Agenda-February 2, 2016



Tuesday February 2, 2016 at 7:00 PM at the

Goodman City Hall

1.   Call the meeting to order. Note that the meeting on January 19, 2016 was cancelled due to weather; therefore there are no minutes to approve from that date. 

2.   Discuss and vote on the minutes from January 5, 2016.

3.   Acknowledge Bud Terrill to discuss his trailers on Garner.

4.   Citizens business.

5.   Open bids for replacing the treatment plant roof. Discuss and decide on the bid.

6.   Discuss the contract between the City of Goodman and Harry S. Truman Coordinating Council to draw up the Comprehensive Plan for the City.

7.   Discuss and vote twice on Bill No. 2016-468 for Ordinance No. 2016-478, 2016 Adopting Ordinance for all Ordinances passed during 2015.

8    Discuss and vote on a request from Fred Branstetter to average the water bill at # 4 Sawmill Terrace.

9.   Discuss old Business.

        1. Note that the Board can put out an information pamphlet on the ½ of 1% transportation tax but they cannot encourage people to vote one way or the other.

10.   Discuss new Business.

              1. Note citizens’ concerns regarding chicken operation going in north of the City Limits and discuss impact to the city.

11.   Department head reports.

                        Curt Drake-ask Board to approve $300.00 Law Enforcement contract for training at MSSU.

                        Denis Kolb

                        David Brodie

                        Meghan Sexson

                        Paula Brodie – note information regarding sales tax on Motor Vehicles, Boats, Etc.

                                              – note that the Rural Development annual report was sent in.

                                              – note the official ballot for April 5th election.                     

12.   Discuss and approve the bills from January 19, 2016 in the amount of $36,815.75

13.   Discuss and approve the bills from February 2, 2016 in the amount of $12,572.50.

14.   Move to adjourn the meeting.