The Board of Aldermen held a meeting on Tuesday night August 2, 2011 at 7:00 PM. Those present included Mayor Greg Richmond, Alderpersons Keith Kohley, Kristin Lett, JR Fisher and Bill Hess. Also present were City Supervisor David Brodie, City Clerk Paula Brodie, Chief of Police Tom West, Officer Curt Drake, Tax Collector Dawn Bunch, Recreation Board Director Stewart Pace and Municipal Judge Clyde Davidson. Also present was Amye Buckley, Neosho Daily News.
The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
The Board of Aldermen discussed the minutes from the meeting on July 19, 2011. Ald Kohley moved to approve the minutes from July 19, 2011. Ald Fisher seconded. Aldermen Fisher, Kohley, Lett and Hess voted aye, with 0 nays.
The Board of Aldermen discussed the minutes from the special meeting on July 22, 2011. Ald Fisher moved to approve the minutes from July 22, 2011. Ald Kohley seconded. Ald Fisher seconded. Aldermen Fisher, Kohley, Lett and Hess voted aye, with 0 nays.
The Board of Aldermen discussed the minutes from the special meeting on July 28, 2011. Ald Lett moved to approve the minutes from July 28, 2011. Ald Kohley seconded. Ald Fisher seconded. Aldermen Fisher, Kohley, Lett and Hess voted aye, with 0 nays.
The Board discussed the hiring of an Asst. City Clerk. The Mayor stated that the Board had asked him to talk with Crystal Nix about the position. He stated that after talking with her she agreed to accept the position. Ald Fisher moved to approve the hiring of Crystal Nix as Asst. City Clerk. Ald Kohley seconded. Aldermen Fisher, Kohley, Lett and Hess voted aye, with 0 nays.
Mayor Richmond reported on a meeting between himself and Callie Hudson regarding the bills from Paragon Architecture and Hudson Consulting. The Mayor stated that he did remember that when he met with her the first time she told him that when she was securing funds from Cornerstone Bank, part of the funds would help pay for her work on the grant applications and the preliminary architecture plans. The Mayor noted that the payments to Ms. Hudson and Paragon were a one time payment for work already completed. He said that Ms. Hudson stated that the City would not receive any more bills until after the submission and awarding of the grant from Rural Development. It was noted that once the grant is received, bids would be let for the final architecture plans and the administration of the grant. The Mayor stated that when the grant is received a contract should be agreed upon before hiring an administrator, architect and builder. He said that in the future the city needed to have a contract in writing with whomever is writing and applying for grants for the City, with all expenses documented within the contract. The Mayor noted that the payments the Board is approving tonight will pay both Ms. Hudson and Paragon in full. Clyde Davidson asked if the city would be responsible for any future costs if the city does receive the grant. The Mayor stated that he believed all future costs would be covered by the grant itself. Clyde stated would the building as is, be the match that the City would need for the grant. It was noted that when the City gets a copy of the grant application it should reflect how much ‘in kind’ work would be needed, if any from the City. It will also list how much is allowable for the administrator of the funds, for the architect, and builder.
Dawn Bunch asked after paying Ms. Hudson and Paragon would anymore money be spent out of the proposed donation from Cornerstone Bank. She stated that it might look bad if the City spends all of the funds from the donation without receiving a grant, since the donation came with the agreement to include the Cornerstone Bank in the name of the building. She noted that the Board had applied for a previous grant but did not get it.
The Board discussed the preliminary architectural report from Paragon on the proposed renovations to the Community Building.
The Board discussed the following old business:
1. Discussed Jesse Ruby’s water. Ald Fisher stated that he would like to have the clerk pull out one of the past easements to use as an example for him to show Ms. Wiley’s son. Ald Fisher asked if the City has an easement already, why they have to obtain another one. It was explained that the City does not have an easement. Ald Fisher stated that he had talked with Jesse Ruby and Mr. Cantrell and both of them are willing to give the City an easement. He stated that he had not received an answer yet from Ms. Wiley. The Board agreed to table further discussion until Ald Fisher could get back with Ms. Wiley.
2. Discussed Joshua Bradford’s cleanup. David stated that is almost done. Ald Fisher moved to allow him until August 31 to complete the cleanup. Ald Kohley seconded. Ald Fisher, Kohley, Lett and Hess voted aye with 0 nays.
Clyde Davidson stated that he had a question regarding the Board’s action on the IRIS system. He said that he wanted it understood that he was not against the IRIS system, but he was concerned about how the Board handled voting on it. He stated that in the meeting the Board held on July 19th he had made a recommendation for the Board to hold a public meeting for citizens questions and input. He said in the minutes it reflected that the Board agreed to hold a discussion at its next regular meeting. He stated that sometime after that meeting and before the special meeting scheduled July 22that was scheduled to discuss Ms. Freund’s unemployment benefits and the hiring of a new Asst. City Clerk, the discussion of the IRIS system was added to the agenda. Ald Fisher stated that he was the one who asked to have it added to the agenda as he felt that it was important to vote on it quickly to get the system started as soon as possible. Clyde stated that the Board discussed and voted on the system without public comment and questions which was specifically contrary to what the Board had agreed upon during their meeting on July 19th.
The Mayor stated that he had asked the Board to wait to make any decisions until the regular meeting scheduled for August 2, 2011 but felt he was railroaded into allowing the vote. He said that he wanted it understood that he had told the Board during the meeting on July 22 that he was not against the IRIS system but was concerned about voting on it during the special meeting.
Clyde stated that he understood that the Board had already voted and a check for $560.00 was already written. Clyde stated he was concerned about the conduct of the Board and the way they were doing things without allowing input from citizens. Clyde stated that he read the proposal for the IRIS system and he thought it said that for start up fees it was $300.00 and then $1.50 per person. Clyde asked why there was a difference in the costs.
The Mayor stated that he specifically asked the board to wait to vote until the regular meeting. Clyde stated that it seemed like certain members were making a lot of the decisions with out a discussion with the citizens. Clyde stated that it gives a bad perception to the citizens when the Board says one thing and does another. Ald Fisher stated that he believed that was Clyde’s opinion. Ald Fisher stated that the IRIS system would benefit the citizens. Ald Lett stated that the Board voted for the right reasons. Clyde stated that he was not against the system but was very concerned about how the Board handled it.
Ald Fisher read from the original agreement on the IRIS system noting that it did read $300.00 and $1.50 per person. Clyde stated that there was confusion regarding which was the better way to handle the IRIS system. He said that Greg Sweeten, the McDonald County Emergency Management director had told the Board they could join under him. He noted in another meeting Mr. Kolb had been present and talked about the benefits of the City having its own system. He stated that Lisa McCool from 911 was at that same meeting and would not commit to anything until after talking with her Board. Ald Kohley stated that the question about the costs and all the other questions should be directed to the City’s Emergency Management Director Denis Kolb.
Clyde noted that it would take all the citizens in the city to join to the IRIS system to pay for it. Ald Fisher stated that even if no one else joined it is a good system.
Clyde stated that he was concerned that even though he had noted that the Board had not followed through with when they had planned to hold their discussion on the IRIS system not one them had acknowledged that they should have waited to hold the discussion until the next regular session. Mayor Richmond apologized for the Boards action and stated that he should not have allowed the vote to be taken at the special meeting.
Dawn Bunch asked if the 911 Board would be the administrator of the system. Ald Fisher stated that 911 would make money by going through the Cities membership. Dawn stated that she understood from Lisa McCool’s comments at the meeting on July 19th, 911 would be the administrator of the City’s system.
Ald Hess stated that he agreed with Clyde that the Board should have held off the discussion until the next regular session but he wanted it understood that he did believe the IRIS system was a good system.
Ald Fisher asked what the Board could do to make the citizens perception different. He said he was interested in doing good things for the citizens. Clyde stated that the Board could take more time to make decisions, be more open and follow through with what they have agreed upon in an open meeting.
Department head reports:
Tom West- Police had no reports. Suggested the Board look into putting in an audio/video system for Board meetings. It was noted that the Board did have an audio system in the past but had removed it at the suggestion of a past attorney.
David Brodie stated that he needed to order 8 Streets signs for $240.00, a handicapped sign for $15.00 and a dead end sign for $57.95. He said he also needed stop signs but would be willing to try decals instead of replacing the whole sign at a cost of $34.95 each. He said he could get a box of stop sign decals for $189.50. He said he would order them from Barcode as they have the best price. He said that total it would be around $515.00 dollars. The Board agreed to allow him to order the signs.
David noted that the streets are in very bad shape with limited funds to do any repairs. He suggested the Board allow him to look into the cost of grinding down all of the street cuts that were caused by the Water Improvement Project. Ald. Fisher stated that they might check into the cost of using chip and seal and then an overlay in the future. David stated that he needs to do a repair on School Street before the busses start running again. He told the Board that he would be getting cold mix to do that repair before school starts.
David reported that he needed to purchase new tires on the front of the white truck and that the Board should start thinking about replacing the red truck. He said that what needs to be done is the white truck needs to replace the red truck and replace the white truck with a ¾ ton, 4 wheel drive pickup with a utility bed. He noted that during the snow storm this past winter he drove his own 4-wheel drive vehicle. Ald Kohley stated that they might go over to Watt’s, in Oklahoma and see about purchasing a truck and replace the white police car at the same time.
Dawn Bunch- noted that the Board had her report. They had no questions.
Paula Brodie- noted that she had sent the 2010 City audit to the State Auditor which is required by Missouri Law. She also noted that the 6 month City Financial statement will be published in the McDonald County paper in the near future. She noted that it too is required by state law.
The Board discussed the following new business:
Ald Lett asked if Stewart and Mike Wasson could receive their checks now instead of in September. Ald Lett moved to pay Mike Wasson his $250.00 and Stewart Pace his $500.00 now instead of in September Ald Kohley seconded. Ald Fisher, Kohley, Lett and Hess voted aye with 0 nays.
Stewart thanked the Board, David and Ald Fisher for their assistance during the ball season. He noted that Ald. Fisher donated an air conditioner and new lights for the concession stand. He stated that the city guys installed the lights and that they were working great. Clyde stated that the Recreation Board did well by getting the ball field lights donated and would be working on getting them installed in the future. He said that they might have to ask the Board for some help financially to get the lights installed. Stewart said that if they were installed he could schedule several tournaments which would bring in a lot of money. Mayor Richmond stated that he wanted to thank Stewart for all his hard work during the last two years.
The Board discussed the bills for August 2, 2011 for $20,274.41 including transfers. Ald Kohley moved to approve the bills in the amount of $20274.41. Ald Fisher seconded. Ald Fisher, Kohley Lett and Hess voted aye with 0 nays.
Ald Fisher moved to adjourn. Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald Fisher, Kohley Lett and Hess voted aye with 0 nays.
Greg Richmond, Mayor
Paula W Brodie, MRCC, City Clerk
Approved: ____________________
Date: ________________