The Board of Aldermen held a meeting Tuesday night February 15, 2011 at 6:50 PM. Those present included Mayor Calvin Wilson, Alderpersons Greg Richmond, Kevin Reardon, and Kristin Lett. Also, present were City Clerk Paula Brodie, Officer Curt Drake, and City Supervisor David Brodie. Also present was Joyce Haynes reporter from McDonald County Press and Amy Buckley reporter Neosho Daily News. Guests included Shirley Capps, Bud Richmond, Jim Morgan, Denis and Lois Kolb, Clyde Davidson and David Jones. Ald Kohley was not present due to his job.
The Mayor called the meeting to order at 6:50 PM. The Mayor stated that the Board was opening the meeting with a Public Hearing to discuss the condemnation of the house on property owned by Karla Thompson. He also noted that the Board of Aldermen did not hold a meeting on February 1, 2011 because of the snow storm.
David Brodie stated that William Mosby could not be present. He stated that He and William inspected the house and that Williams stated that the house needed replaced from the floor up, including electrical, plumbing, water, walls, and roof. David said that William recommended that the Board continue the condemnation.
The Mayor acknowledged David Jones a contractor, who was present to speak for Karla Thompson. He said that his company proposed to replace everything that the city inspector suggested. He noted that Karla Thompson would not get the quiet title for the property until Feb. 28, 2011. He said that the plans were to replace the flooring and sub-flooring, all electrical, sewer, water, walls, and metal roof. They plan to paint, scrape and replace any siding that needs to be replaced. He also noted that all of the workers would be licensed and bonded. David said the floor joists in the kitchen are on the ground and the flooring is rotted in the bathroom and the front bedroom. David repeated again that the Boards building inspector said to continue the condemnation.
Ald Richmond stated he didn’t know how it could be cost effective for them to fix the house, but admitted that he had not seen the house and did not know the extent of the repairs needed.
The Mayor stated that he would like to have the Building Inspector present to help the board decide on how to proceed. Ald Richmond stated that he would like to have the building inspector present so they could ask him questions. He said that if Mr. Mosby tells the Board that the house can not be repaired than he would agree to complete the condemnation.
The Board agreed to ask Mr. Mosby to be present on March 1, 2011 and tabled the discussion until then.
Ald Richmond moved to approve the minutes from January 18, 2011. Ald Reardon seconded. The Board voted 3 ayes, 0 nayes.
The clerk noted that the Board has not received the agreement from Jesse Ruby and Calvin Cantrell. It was noted that Jesse told the Board on January 18, 2011 that he would get a signed, notarized agreement from Mr. Cantrell. The Board decided that they would give Jesse Ruby and Calvin Cantrell 10 days to get the agreement into the city and asked the clerk to write to them informing them of the request.
The Board discussed the request made by Jesse Ruby to allow him and Mr. Cantrell both to hook to the 2” water line running across both of their properties. David stated that the line runs across three separate properties without easements. He said that it was not feasible for the city to maintain the line. David stated that a 2” line can service more than one residence; however a flush hydrant would need to be installed and maintained. He also noted that to install a fireplug the line would have to be a 6” line. David also noted that the city code states that one service line can only serve one residence. His final comment was that the Board had told three previous owners that they could not connect more than one residence to the existing line. He was concerned that there would be a problem if now the Board changed their minds and allowed two residences to hook to the one line. The Mayor stated that it seemed that there was nothing the city can do, as the ordinances are clear.
The Mayor acknowledged Jim Morgan to give a report from the Goodman Rural Fire District Board meeting.
Jim talked about the snow storm being declared an emergency by the President. He stated that the Rural Fire District Board had been discussing how to be better prepared for emergencies. He stated that both the Fire Station on Main Street and the Senior Citizens centers both have generators, in case of power outages. He said that they could be used as temporary warming stations. He said that the current snow storm had gotten them to thinking about the need to have emergency plans set in place for various emergencies, such as ice storms, power outages, snow storms and tornados. All of those emergencies would be different scenarios. He stated that just before the snow storm hit the Fire District had put the new generator on line at the city well. He said that they knew that they would have water but they never thought about how bad the snow accumulation would effect the city. He stated that David had tried to keep the snow plowed but got stuck several times. He said that he had taken his backhoe and pulled him out and also cleared the way for ambulances on emergency calls.
The Mayor noted that during the snow storm he and Missy had taken food to some people that were out of groceries. It was also noted that the fire department and the city had responded to various peoples requests during the storm and after.
Jim noted to help the city during emergencies he and a few more of the firemen where installing the city water frequency in their radios so they can make direct contact with the city hall and city employees.
The Mayor noted that Denis Kolb the emergency management director had gotten an agreement from the Trinity Pentecostal Church and the Banner Nazarene church to use their facilities during emergencies however they do not have generator. Jim said that the Rural Fire District has two extra generators on trailers. He said they could be used by either of those places for emergency purposes. He said that they had thought that the two generators could be used by someone who is on oxygen until they could be moved. The clerk noted that hosting an emergency facility is more involved then some realize. She stated that the Red Cross has people who would train volunteers willing to run the shelters.
The Board agreed that the city needed procedures and a checklist to follow during emergencies. The Mayor suggested setting up a round table meeting to work out plans to handles future emergencies. It was decided to hold the meeting on Monday the 21stof February at 7:00PM at the Redneck Café.
Jim stated that everyone was invited to be present at the city well on February 17that 2:30 PM to acknowledge the donation by the Conservation Department to the Rural Fire District the generator that will maintain water coverage during power outages.
The Board of Aldermen discussed a request from the Methodist Church to average their sewer bill due to a water leak. David stated that the meter was spinning and that the meter showed 109,500 gallons usage. Ald Lett moved to approve to average their sewer bill. Ald Richmond second. The Board voted 3 ayes, 0 nayes.
After more discussion on whether or not to average the water used too, Ald Richmond made the motion to average the water also. Ald Lett second. The Board voted 3 ayes, 0 nayes.
The Board discussed the increase on the Employee’s Health Benefits from Anthem. It was noted that health insurance coverage for the city employees went up 23.4%. The Clerk stated that after looking over all the options and tax to their agent Tim Roark, she would recommend the Board approving the 3rd option which is Blue Preferred Plus Option 3 with RX Option D. She stated it would mean that the employees would be paying more out of pocket expenses but would also increase the premium for one year by $1,678.80. She stated that the $1,678.80 would be divided between 4 accounts, which would be about $400.00 out of each account. She stated that she felt her recommendation was fair for the Board and also for her fellow employees. If the Board chooses the 3rd options the expense would be shouldered by both the city and the employee. Ald Richmond stated he hated to have the employees have more out of pocket expense, since they had not received pay raises in the last three years. The Board decided to think about it and then make a decision on March 1during the regular meeting.
The Board discussed drafting an ordinance to increase both water and sewer minimum water rate by $.50 cents each. It was noted the Board discussed the need to do this during budget workshops and decided to discuss it again after the first of the year. The clerk noted that the Board had discussed during the budget discussion the recommendations made by Rural Development and Department of Natural Resources to do annual increases. The Board discussed the need for the increases due to the increased costs of repairs, parts and supplies and the age of the treatment plant and wells. It was noted that Rural Development who the city has a loan with, expects the City to maintain their equipment in good working order so that they will receive their monthly loan payments.
Ald Richmond made the motion have the clerk draw up a draft ordinance to raise the minimum water and sewer rates by $.50 cents each. Ald Reardon second. The Board voted 3 ayes, 0 nayes.
Clyde Davidson was present to speak for Stewart Pace, the Recreation Board Director who is busy running the basketball games at the school. Clyde stated that Stewart was able to get the PTO to reschedule their carnival to Friday night the 29th of April so that the Fun Run Car Show could be held on Saturday the 30th of April. He stated that Keith Kohley had over stepped his bounds by approving the 30th of April for the Fun Run without approving it through Stewart Pace who schedules all activities at the ball park. Because of this both events were scheduled on the same day. He said that problem was now fixed however the Fun Run Car Show might not be able to hold its make up day if it should rain. He said the make up rain day was scheduled for May 7th. He stated that the Ball program starts on the first of May so there will be ball games scheduled for that day. He also noted that because of the lack of lights more games will need to be played on Saturdays. He said they will try to work with the Fun Run organizers to keep the rain day on May 7thbut it is not guaranteed. He said that in the future Stewart needed to be kept in the loop in regards to those needing to use the ballpark.
Clyde informed the Board that the Recreation Board would be working on replacing the existing lights at the ballpark .He said that the Recreation Board might be asking the City to help with the costs. He said they had some options to look into first and then would be getting together with the Board of Aldermen.
Clyde stated that Stewart only has a few people who are able to help him. He said that Stewart was hoping the Board would consider making an Assistant Recreation Board Directors position with a salary of $500.00 a year. Clyde stated that Stewart had mentioned asking the Board to appoint Michael Wasson the assistant Recreation Board Director if they approve the added position, because he had been very helpful to him in the last few years. The Board tabled a decision until their next meeting on March 1st.
The Department heads gave the following reports:
1. Curt Drake gave the following reports for Tom West:
- Curt Drake reported that Tom had finished his racial profiling reports.
2. David Brodie gave the following reports:
- asked if the Board had received anything from Duane Cooper on correspondence between him and the Community Block Grant people. David stated that the city needs to get the Water Improvement Grant closed so that they can start applying for grants to repair streets. The Mayor stated he had not received anything from Duane yet.
- reported the dump truck had broke down after using it constantly during the two snow storms. He said it was repaired and back on the road.
- stated that he had ordered the tires from Joplin Yamaha for the 4-wheeler that the Board had approved during budget talks. They should be installed at the end of the week. He said the cost was right at $400.00 including mounting.
3. Dawn Bunch-
- the Mayor noted that the Board had Dawn’s monthly report in their packets.
4. Paula Brodie gave the following reports:
- informed the Board that the Tax Collectors computer has been upgraded and working fine.
- informed the Board that she received a State Scholarship to the Annual Mo. City Clerks and Finance Officers Training Conference from Monday March 7th to Thursday March 10th. The Scholarship includes ½ of the room costs and the registration fee. The City will only need to cover ½ of the room costs, mileage, and regular hourly wage. Note that the Board put the complete training costs in the 2011 Budget. She is not attending the Master Academy just the Spring Institute. Ald Lett moved to approve paying the ½ of room costs, mileage and hourly wages for the clerk to attend the conference. Ald Richmond second. 3 ayes 0 nayes.
- Reported that she would be attending JIS training in Newton County on February 22 and 23rd. JIS is the State Court Program that the Goodman Municipal Court uses. The Office of State Courts Administrators will be teaching the class.
The Board discussed the bills from February 1, 2011 for $27,859.61 including transfers. Ald Lett moved to approve the bills. Ald Reardon seconded. The Board voted 3 ayes, 0 nayes.
The Board discussed the bills from February 15, 2011 for $20547.74 including transfers. Ald Richmond moved to approve the bills. Ald Reardon seconded. The Board voted 3 ayes, 0 nayes.
Ald Richmond moved to adjourn. Ald Lett seconded. The Board voted 3 ayes, 0 nays.
Respectfully submitted:
Paula W. Brodie, MRCC, City Clerk __________________________
Calvin Wilson, Mayor
Paula W Brodie, MRCC, City Clerk