Agenda-Comprehensive Plan Meeting October 24, 2017 POSTPONED



Oct. 24, 2017 – 7:00 p.m.

203 W Barlow St, Goodman, MO 64843 


Presenters:                          Jill Cornett, HSTCC Executive Director

Nikki Hill, HSTCC Transportation Planner

Bryan West, HSTCC Community Planner 


Sign in:                            Jill Cornett 

Progress Report:            DRAFT of Plan – Jill Cornett

FUTURE Land Use Map – Jill Cornett                                        


Land Use Map:               Jill Cornett 

Discuss Changes

Needed:                           Council Discussion

Planning & Zoning Commission:       Council

The Planning Commission’s function is to plan for the development of the municipality. Most cities combine the Planning Commission and the Zoning Commission into a single Commission.

Commission must be created by ordinance:

Membership consists of:

  1. The Mayor (if the Mayor chooses to be a member)
  2. A Councilperson selected by the Council IF the Council chooses to have a member serve on the Commission
  3. Not more than 15 OR no fewer than 5 citizens appointed by the Mayor and
  4. Approved by the Council.
  5. MUST HAVE AT LEAST 7 total members (including Mayor and Council member)
  6. No member may receive compensation for their service.
  7. Appointment should be for 4-year terms.
  8. To start, Council may appoint some people for 2, 3 and 4 years, until staggered terms may be used.
  9. Officers from the Commission include Chairman and Secretary.
  10. Roll call and minutes must be taken.

Next Steps:                 

October                            Appoint P&Z Commission

October                            Present Draft Plan to P&Z

November                        Public Meeting to Present Plan

December                        P&Z recommends approval of plan to Council

December/January           Council adopts plan by Ordinance


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