Agenda-Comprehensive Plan Meeting August 22, 2017

Aug. 22, 2017— 7:00 p.m.
203 W Barlow St, Goodman, MO 64843
Presenters: Jill Cornett, HSTCC Executive Director
Nikki Hill, HSTCC Transportation Planner Bryan West, HSTCC Community Planner

Call meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.

Jill Cornett
Results of Survey – Jill Cornett
Results of Questions to Staff— Jill Cornett
Jill Cornett
Council Discussion
The Planning Commission’s function is to plan for the development of the municipality. Most cities combine the Planning Commission and the Zoning Commission into a single Commission.
Commission must be created by ordinance:
Membership consists of:
1) The Mayor (if the Mayor chooses to be a member)
2) A Councilperson selected by the Council IF the Council chooses to have a member serve on the Commission
3) Not more than 15 OR no fewer than 5 citizens appointed by the Mayor and Approved by the Council.
4) MUST HAVE AT LEAST 7 total members (including Mayor and Council member)
5) No member may receive compensation for their service.
6) Appointment should be for 4-year terms.
7) To start, Council may appoint some people for 2, 3 and 4 years, until staggered terms may be used.

8) Officers from the Commission include Chairman and Secretary.
9) Roll call and minutes must be taken.
Next Steps:
September Pass ordinance for Planning and Zoning Commission
September Appoint P&Z Commission
October Present Draft Plan to P&Z
November Public Meeting to Present Plan
December P&Z recommends approval of plan to Council
December/January Council adopts plan by Ordinance
Move to adjourn meeting

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