Agenda-April 19, 2016



Tuesday April 19, 2016 at 7:00 PM at the

Goodman City Hall

1.  Call the meeting to order.

2.    Discuss and approve the minutes from the regular meeting on April 5, 2016.

3.    Discuss old business.


4.    Discuss and vote on the bills including transfers in the amount of $38,917.81.

5.    The Clerk reads the election results and swears in new Board of Aldermen, Tax Collector and Municipal Judge.

6.    Vote to re-appoint the City Attorney, Chief of Police and the City Clerk. (Make separate motions).

7.    Appoint an acting President.

8.     Appoint a Recreation Board Commissioner, a Street Commissioner, a Water/Sewer  Commissioner and a Maintenance Commissioner.

9.     Discuss and vote on the Corporate Resolution with the First Community Bank.

10.   Discuss and decide on check signers.                          

11.  Acknowledge representative from the Rehobson family regarding use of Ballpark July 30th weekend.

12.  Acknowledge Marcus Pratt to discuss raising the building inspection fee.

13.  Discuss the alley between Main St. and Russell St.

14.  Discuss hiring part time help for the summer.

15.  Discuss Mediacom owners request for building placement.


16.  Discuss new Business.


17. Department head reports.

                        Curt Drake

                        Denis Kolb

                        David Brodie

                        Meghan Sexson

                        Paula Brodie –                                           


18.  Move to adjourn the meeting.