Tuesday May 6, 2014 at 7:00 PM at the
Goodman City Hall
1. Call the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
2. Discuss and approve the minutes from the regular meeting on April 15, 2014, the special meeting on April 22, 2014 and the special meeting April 29, 2014.
3. Citizens Business.
4. Discuss report from liquid Engineering and vote on the contract on cleaning the tower on School St.
5. Discuss the Boards attending a meeting to be held on May 19th at 5:00PM at the Lampo Building to receive a report on the Camp Crowder Joint Land Use Study (JLUS).
6. Discuss and approve the first reading of Bill # 2014-446 for Ordinance No. 2014-456, an Ordinance adopting and enacting a new code of Ordinances incorporating Ordinances passed during 2013.
7. Discuss old business.
8. Discuss new business:
9. Department head reports:
Curt Drake-
Denis Kolb- .
David Brodie-
Dawn Bunch – report in Board packets.
Paula Brodie – note letter from MOPERM regarding refund check.
-note Memo to Board regarding annual training.
– the 2013 City 2013 was completed on May 1st and 2nd.
10. Discuss and vote on the bills including transfers in the amount of $27,790.70.
11. Adjourn the meeting.