Agenda-April 15, 2014

Tuesday April 15, 2014 at 7:00 PM at the
Goodman City Hall

1.    Call the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

2.    Discuss and approve the minutes from the regular meeting on April 1, 2014.

3.    Discuss old business.

  1.  Discuss and decide on applications for an Asst. Recreation Board Director. Discuss wages.

4.       Discuss and vote on the bills including transfers in the amount of $47,263.03.

5.  The Clerk reads the election results and swears in new Board of Aldermen and Municipal Judge.

6.  Vote to re-appoint the City Attorney, Chief of Police and the City Clerk. (Make separate motions).

 7. Appoint an acting President.
 8. Appoint a Recreation Board Commissioner, a Street Commissioner, a Water/Sewer Commissioner and     a Maintenance Commissioner.

9.  Discuss and decide on check signers.

10.   Acknowledge Virgil Sherwood from the Full Gospel church to request averaging the church’s bill.

11. Acknowledge Jesse Ruby regarding a business license request to manufacture and sell ammo at his  residence at 301 E. Barnes.

12.  Discuss new business:

         1.   Discuss renewing the mowing contract with Mike Williams.


13   Department head reports:

Curt Drake-
Denis Kolb- . 
David Brodie- note letter to Hunte Corporation from Board.
Dawn Bunch –
Paula Brodie – note email from Missouri Municipal League regarding Elected Officials Training Conference.
                        -note Newsletter from MOPERM. (Interesting information, please read).
                        -Nick Myers will be working on the City 2013 audit on May 1st and 2nd.                    

14.  Adjourn the meeting.