Agenda-February 18 2014

Tuesday February 18, 2014 at 7:00 PM at the
Goodman City Hall
1.     Call the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

2.     Discuss and approve the minutes from the regular Board meeting held on February 4, 2014 and from the special meeting on February 3, 2014.

3.     Citizens business.
                1. Acknowledge Steven Bradford to discuss water leak.
4.     Begin business section of the meeting starting with unfinished business:  
                1. Discuss and approve the first reading of Bill # 2014-444 for Ordinance # 2014-454 adding  Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, President’s Day, Columbus Day and Veterans’ Day to the City Code.
                2. Discuss and approve the first reading of Bill# 2014-445 for Ordinance #2014-454 allowing an employee or owner of a meat processing plant to discharge a firearm.
                3. Discuss the video conferencing law.

5.     New Business:
               1. Discuss email from Sue Bacorn regarding CDBG application for funds to finish the Community Building/Emergency Center.

6.     Department heads: 
  a. Chief Drake- discuss updating the Police Department sign.
  b. David Brodie-
  c. Denis Kolb.
  d. Dawn Bunch  – 
  e. Paula Brodie  -note that the Grant that Marshall Long told the Board about at the last meeting requires a 55% match. 
                            -note that General Code is printing a complete new Code Book for the Board.
                            – note to Board about Southwest Division of the Missouri City Clerks and finance officers appointment as Director for Southwest Division.

7.      Vote to approve the bills in the amount of $47,825.07  including transfers.

8.      Adjourn the meeting.