Minutes-July 2, 2013

The Board of Aldermen held a meeting on Tuesday night July 2, 2013 at 7:00 PM.  Those present included Mayor Greg Richmond, Alderpersons Keith Kohley, Alice Kezar and Bill Hess. Also present were City Supervisor David Brodie, Chief Curt Drake, Emergency Management Director Denis Kolb, Tax Collector Dawn Bunch and City Clerk Paula Brodie. Guests included Carol Coe, Roger Coe, Carlton Lewis, Lois Kolb, Nick Myers and J.R. Fisher. Ald. Wilson was not present.

The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. 

The Board of Aldermen discussed the minutes from the meeting on June 18, 2013. Ald. Hess moved to approve the minutes from June 18, 2013.  Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Kohley, Hess and Kezar voted aye with 0 nays.

Under Citizens business the Mayor acknowledged Roger Coe. Mr. Coe asked the Board to give him a waiver from the City’s Code that requires accessory buildings to be 5’ off the property line. The Mayor stated that the City Codes required Mr. Coe to fill out a variance request, than a public hearing would be scheduled within 60 days for input from the public on the variance request. Mr. Coe stated that he was not going to wait 60 days. He said his neighbor had put a fence up without having to obtain a variance. The Mayor stated that there were no restrictions on a fence and where it is placed on a person’s property.

Mr. Coe informed the Board that his building is considered a moveable structure and therefore was not an accessory building. The Mayor stated that he would not get into a legal discussion about what is and is not an accessory building.  The Mayor read the City’s code Section 405.230 regarding accessory buildings. Mr. Coe said his attorney had told him to first ask the Board for the waiver and if he didn’t get it to go ahead and put the building up.

J.R. Fisher told the Board that he was against Mr. Coe’s being given the waiver. (Note Mr. Fisher’s property shares a lot line with Mr. Coe’s). He informed the Board that he had hired a surveyor to survey his property. He said the surveyor is behind on his work load but promised him to have his survey done within the next two weeks. He asked the Board to wait the two weeks until his survey was complete. Mr. Coe stated that he would agree to wait until the survey was done, however he was not going to pay for any of it. Mr. Fisher stated that he had not asked Mr. Coe to help with the cost. He said he had signed the contract with the surveyor himself.  Ald. Hess stated that he felt Mr. Coe should fill out a variance request which was required by the City’s Code. Ald. Hess stated that the Board should follow the steps of the City Code for variance requests as in the past they had not done so with a water line request and it had taken quite a long time to straighten out that situation. The Board tabled further discussion on the request until the next meeting of July 16, 2013.                     .

The Mayor acknowledged Nick Myers who presented the City’s 2012 Audit report. Mr. Myers stated that pages 3, 4 5, 6 and 7 was the management’s discussion and analysis letter that is included with the Audit. He said it was written by the City to represent and explain items in the Audit.  He noted that the Board transferred $61,625.00 from the Water Works Revenue Fund, a business account to the Street Fund, an administrative fund.   He said he did not have an opinion on that other than the city received lawsuit settlement money to finish the water project and the street repairs.

Mr. Myers noted that the City’s Net assets after what the city owes on it Water Works Revenue Bonds is $2,885,651.00. He said that the City owes $1,048,353.00 on Water Revenue Bonds to be paid out in full by 2040. He also stated that he was reporting on material controls over auditing control. He stated that he did not see anything that would be considered a material deficiency. Mr. Myers did give the Board a letter with a few recommendations. He noted that the Board should always be diligent in maintaining segregation of duties.  He stated that the Board should continue to review and discuss ways to promote the segregation of duties for the safeguarding of assets. He also recommended having job descriptions and job duties for each position. The Clerk noted that the Board had already completed job descriptions and had added them to the personnel policies. Mr. Myers also suggested that the Board review and establish a policy on compensatory time off using the Fair Labor Standards Act as a guide and his final suggestion was that the Board should consider improving the record keeping of the City’s assets. He suggested doing an inventory yearly.

Nick Myers told the Board that he wanted to thank Paula, Karla and Dawn for their help with the 2012 Audit.

Ald. Kohley moved to accept the 2012 Audit report.  Ald. Hess seconded. Ald. Kohley, Hess, and Kezar voted aye with 0 nays.

The Board began the business section of the meeting starting with unfinished business.                

                   a. The Board opened letters of interest from Administrators and Architect s for the Post Emergency/Shelter Community Building. The Board completed the ratings sheets for the  Professional Administrative Services and the Professional Architectural Services. The results were as follows.

                                For Administrative Services, Bacorn Enterprises, total score 1000, Harry S. Truman  Coordinating Council total score 810.

                                For Architectural Services, Paragon Architecture, total score 980, HJM Architects Inc., total score 770 and Oke-Thomas and Associates, Inc., total score was 910.

 Ald. Kohley moved to accept Bacorn Enterprises as Administrator on the Post Emergency Shelter/Community Building if the City is awarded the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG).  Ald. Kezar seconded. Ald. Kohley, Kezar, and Hess voted aye with 0 nays.

 Ald. Kohley moved to accept Paragon Architecture as Architect on the CDBG grant if the City is awarded the grant. Ald. Hess seconded. Ald. Hess, Kohley and Kezar voted aye with 0 nays.

 There was no new business.

 The Department heads gave the following reports:   

                   a. Chief Drake asked the Board to allow Bill Cagle to attended CSI classes in August, September and October. He stated if Bill could attend the classes under the City’s Missouri Southern State University contract the classes would be $185.00 each. Mayor Richmond stated he would like to see Curt go to the same classes in the future. Ald. Kohley moved to approve Officer Cagle’s attending the Classes at MSSU under the City’s contract. Ald. Hess seconded. Ald. Hess, Kohley and Kezar voted aye with 0 nays.

                   b. David Brodie noted that Orscheln’s had donated several bags of dog food to the City of Goodman dog pound. He also noted that at 217 W. Garner there was a satellite dish filled with a chest of drawers, mattresses, and clothes. He said that in the past the owners had been burning in the satellite dish. Chief Drake stated that he had told them they could not be burning anything in the dish. He said he instructed them to bring the items to the curb for trash pickup by the City’s trash collector. It was also noted that between the house at 106 and 108 Williams the land owners had been dumping trash and junk. Chief Drake reported that he had talked to those land owners also. The Board stated that both landowners should be made aware that they will receive tickets if they do not clean up and get rid of the items.

                      David also told the Board that he wanted them to be aware that the City might in the future need to purchase lime to be spread on the fields that the City uses to place sludge on. He said the PH has to be a certain level and that the fields he is using have to have lime spread on them. He said so far the land owners want the sludge and are willing to pay for the lime themselves but they might not want to in the future.

                   c. Denis Kolb had nothing to report.

                   d. Dawn Bunch’s report was in the Aldermen’s packet.

                   e. Paula Brodie noted a letter was sent to Andrew Seiler MODOT regarding annexation of South 59 Highway to the Anderson City Limits and that she had given all of the Board information regarding the upcoming Missouri Municipal League’s Annual Conference that is in Branson this year..                 

The Mayor read a thank you card from the Wilma Sarratt family for flowers.

The Board discussed the bills including transfers in the amount of $19871.28. Ald. Hess moved to approve the bills including transfers in the amount of $19,871.28. Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Kohley, Hess and Kezar voted aye with 0 nays.

Ald. Kohley moved to adjourn. Ald. Hess seconded. Ald. Kohley, Hess and Kezar voted aye with 0 nays.


                                                                                                      Greg Richmond, Mayor

 Attest: ____________________________

Paula W Brodie, MRCC, City Clerk                                                      Approved:___________________                                                                                                                                                                 Date: ________________