Tuesday April 2, 2013 at 7:00PM at the
Goodman City Hall
1. Call the regular meeting to order at 7:00PM.
2. Discuss and approve the minutes from March 19, 2013.
3. Discuss whether or not to have Sue Bacorn apply for a CDBG grant to finish the Community Building/Emergency Shelter.
4. Approve for the Mayor to sign the Contract from Empire District Electric on the light at Janice & Garner.
5. Department head reports:
Curt Drake-
David Brodie-
Denis Kolb-
Dawn Bunch –
Paula Brodie –Discuss scheduling the class for elected officials to be given by Gary Markenson.
– note that the Board received information from the classes she took in their packets and that the Board received the February Financial Statements during the March 19th meeting.
6. Discuss old business:
7. Discuss new business:
8. Discuss and vote on the bills including transfers in the amount of $ 15,957.45 including transfers.
9. Adjourn the meeting.