Agenda- November 20, 2012



Tuesday November 20, 2012 at 7:00PM at the

Goodman City Hall 

  1.  Call the meeting to order.
  2.  Discuss and approve the minutes from the regular meeting on November 6, 2012 and from the Budget Meeting on November 15, 2012.
  3.  Acknowledge Bob Corcoran and Ricky Drake to discuss community equipment and   housing.
  4. Vote on the resignation from the Recreation Board Director Stuart Pace and discuss his replacement.
  5. Open and decide on the bids for the repairs to the well house roof and to the Police Department.
  6. Vote on the second reading of Bill # 2012-433 for Ord.# 2012-443,exempting existing mobile home parks from Chapter 415.
  7.  Discuss request from Sharon Brown to waive her penalty on her water bill.
  8.  Discuss and approve renewing the City’s workmen’s compensation insurance with   Mo. Rural Services. The renewal fee is $200.00.
  9. The Mayor noted per Missouri State Statutes that the City’s candidate filings open on December 11th and closes on January 22, 2012 at 5:00PM. Positions are all 2 year terms and they are the Mayor, Tax Collector and one alderperson from each ward.
  10. Decide the date and time for the next budget meeting workshop.
  11. Department head reports:

Tom West-

David Brodie-

Denis Kolb-

Dawn Bunch –

                           Karla McNorton –note that the tornado siren is going to be tested on the second Tuesday of every month at 1:00PM unless the weather is inclement.

12.    Discuss old business:

13.     Discuss new business:     

14.    Discuss and vote on the bills including transfers in the amount of $42,082.87.

15.    Adjourn the meeting.