May 17, 2011
The Board of Aldermen held a meeting on Tuesday night May 17, 2011 at 6:30 PM. Those present included Mayor Greg Richmond, Alderpersons Keith Kohley, Kristin Lett, JR Fisher and Bill Hess. Also present were City Clerk Paula Brodie, Collector Dawn Bunch, City Supervisor David Brodie, Chief Tom West and Officer Curt Drake. Duane Cooper, City Attorney was also present. Guests included Jesse Ruby, Nathan Wagner, Joyce Haynes from the McDonald County Press and Amye Buckley from the Neosho Daily News.
The Mayor noted that the Board had started the meeting at 6:30PM to watch a webinar demonstration with Rob Covault regarding the Minutes-on-Demand, an online storage application prior to the beginning of the regular session. No business was conducted during this part of the meeting.
The Board of Aldermen discussed the minutes. After discussion Ald Kohley moved to approve the minutes from May 3, 2011. Ald Fisher seconded. Aldermen Kohley, Lett, Fisher and Hess voted aye, with 0 nays.
The Mayor acknowledged Jesse Ruby to discuss his water line and street sign. Jesse asked if there was someway that the board could help him find a permanent solution to his water problem. The Mayor asked David Brodie the Water supervisor what Mr. Ruby could do to solve his problem. David stated that Mr. Ruby needs to get an easement from Lavaughn Wiley. The Board discussed the possibility of taking the 2” line that runs from the meter across the property and allowing him to hook another meter in to service his house. David stated that allowing him to hook to the existing line makes the line a main line and the City would not be able to maintain the line as a main line because it runs entirely on private property. The Board discussed the situation at great length. Jesse presented the Board with a copy of Ordinance #1992-271 regarding the annexation of his property back when the Pendleton’s owned it. He stated that in the ordinance it stated that the City would furnish normal municipal services within a reasonable time after the property was annexed. He stated that as far as he was concerned the Board did not fulfill their obligation to run the water to the property. After much discussion Jesse was told by Mayor Richmond that the City did fulfill their obligation by furnishing water to the property. David asked the Board if they would approve his approaching Mrs. Wiley regarding an easement for Mr. Ruby to run a water line across her property. If Mrs. Wiley approves of the easement Mr. Ruby would be able to run a line to connect to a meter that the City would set next to the existing water meter that services the Cantrell Property. Jesse asked why he had not received an answer from the Board regarding his question in regards to allowing him to run a line along the existing road. David said that Jesse would be taking the line in and out of the city limits and that as far as he knew the ordinance didn’t allow it. Jesse asked the Board to consider changing the ordinance to allow running the water line out side the city limits. The Mayor stated that the Board could not change an ordinance every time someone asked them to. He noted that the Ordinances affected all of the Citizens. The Board decided to have David talk with Mrs. Wiley to see about getting an easement for Jesse. Mr. Ruby agreed to allow David to talk with Mrs. Wiley on his behalf.
David reported that the street sign Jesse had requested had been ordered. He stated that he had contacted the company he ordered it from and was told it is on its way.
The Mayor acknowledged Duane Cooper who was requested to be present by Ald. Fisher. Ald Fisher asked where Duane was on the water lawsuit. Duane stated that he was still trying to get the money from Lynnson, Inc. Ald. Fisher stated that his main concern was repairing the streets and that he understood that the open CDBG grant caused the City to loose out when they applied for a grant. Duane stated that for some reason CDBG feels that they have a right to some of the lawsuit settlement money and that is why they would not close out the grant. He stated that he had written to CDBG telling them that it was very possible that the City would not be able to collect any of the judgment amount awarded. He also asked CDBG to close the open grant for that reason and since then CDBG has agreed to close out the grant which would allow the City to apply for future grants. Ald Fisher stated that he wants to see the streets repaired. David stated that the funds are needed to complete the water project, including more valves, lowering meters, street repairs etc.
Ald Fisher asked Duane about the possibility of annexing more of 59 Highway. Duane stated that the City could annex land that was contiguous and that the application to annex highways is set up through MODOT. Ald Lett stated that she would like to see the city annex west to Gator Road. The Board decided to table the discussion on annexation to the next meeting.
The Board discussed the changes to the personnel policy draft ordinance. Ald Fisher stated that he was ok with all of the changes except # 3 under overtime. He stated that he believed the ordinance should not include the choice of compensatory or overtime pay. He stated that the original statement read compensatory time off only and that he felt it should stay that way. The Clerk also noted that after attending a meeting on health care reform she found out that Anthem, which is the Cities health insurance, classifies part time at 30 hours or less. It was suggested to change the part time classification to 28 hours or less. The Board agreed to have the Clerk remove the overtime pay and to change the part time positions hours to 28 or less. The Clerk was instructed to make the changes and present to the Board at the next meeting.
The Board discussed whether or not to divide the Cities banking between the two local banks. The Board agreed to leave the banking as it is for now.
The Board discussed the pros and cons of opening city hall on Thursdays and not closing during lunch hours. Ald Fisher moved to keep the city hall open on Thursdays. Ald Kohley seconded. Ald Kohley, Hess, Lett and Fisher voted aye with 0 nays.
Ald Fisher moved to keep the city hall open during lunch. Ald Lett seconded. Ald Kohley, Hess, Lett and Fisher voted aye with 0 nays.
The Board discussed the bid from Gilliam electric on putting in the transfer switches at the Police Dept. and City Hall. After discussion the board decided to table any decisions.
The Board discussed purchasing a new podium for the court room. Ald Kohley moved to purchase the podium from Quill with a $250.00 cap. Ald Lett seconded. Aldermen Kohley, Lett, Fisher and Hess voted aye, with 0 nays.
The Board discussed the purchasing of the Minutes-On-Demand online storage application. Mayor Richmond asked if any other towns the size of Goodman are using the software. He asked the Clerk to find out, contact the city and see if they are satisfied with the program.
The Board discussed the following old business:
David Brodie asked about purchasing a 6’ brush hog. He provided the following quotes:
Orscheln Farm 6’ shear pin King Cutter $999..99
Race Brothers 6’ King Cutter 60 HP Gear Box Shear Pin $1,099.99
John Deere 6’ Standard $1,500.00
Tatum’s 6’ Mahindra Slip Clutch (Standard) $1,200.00
Tatum’s 6’ Mahindra Slip Clutch Medium $1,450.00
Ald Kohley moved to purchase the $1200.00 brush hog from Tatums. Ald Hess seconded. Ald Kohley, Hess, and Lett voted aye with Ald Fisher voting no. He stated he voted no because he wanted to focus on street repairs first.
The Department heads gave the following reports:
Tom West – none
David Brodie- none
Paula Brodie- noted the memo from the MML regarding a legislative wrap-up dinner.
The Board discussed the following New Business:
The Mayor read a letter from the Newton-McDonald County Landfill Board requesting someone from the City attend the next landfill meeting. The Mayor asked if anyone wanted to attend and represent the City on the board. None of the Board members will be able to attend.
The Board discussed the bills for May 17, 2011 for $22,014.03 including transfers. Ald Kohley moved to approve the bills. Ald Fisher seconded. Aldermen Hess, Kohley, Fisher and Lett voted aye with 0 nays.
The Board discussed a request by Larry and Pam Murphy to average their water bill. They had a leak but had it repaired. Ald Kohley moved to average the water/sewer bill for Larry and Pam Murphy. Ald Fisher seconded. Ald Kohley, Hess, Lett and Fisher voted aye with 0 nays.
Ald Kohley moved to adjourn. Ald Lett seconded. Aldermen Hess, Kohley, Fisher and Lett voted aye with 0 nays.
Greg Richmond, Mayor
Paula W Brodie, MRCC, City Clerk
Approved: ____________________
Date: ________________