Minutes-March 1,2011

The Board of Aldermen held a meeting Tuesday night March 1, 2011 at 7:00 PM.  Those present included Mayor Calvin Wilson, Alderpersons Greg Richmond and Kristin Lett. Also, present were City Clerk Paula Brodie, City Supervisor David Brodie, Municipal Judge Clyde Davidson, City Attorney Duane Cooper and City Building Inspector William Mosby. Also present was Joyce Haynes reporter from McDonald County Press and Amy Buckley reporter Neosho Daily News. Guests included Bobby Anglin, Karla Thompson, J.R. Fisher and Bill Hess. Aldermen Kohley and Aldermen Reardon were not present. 

The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00PM. He noted that there were not enough Board Members present for a quorum. He apologized to those present that there were not enough Board Members present to conduct business. The Board decided to listen to Karla Thompson and Bobby Anglin’s position on Ms. Thompson’s house on Russell Street.  

Mr. Anglin stated that he had talked with Mr. Mosby the city’s building inspector before the meeting. He said that he didn’t want to speak for him but believed that Mr. Mosby wanted them to tear down the house and start over. Mr. Anglin stated that they really wanted to rebuild the house instead of tearing it down. He said that the support beams and lumber within the house was oak. They have estimates on how much it would cost to rebuild the house and believe the house would be an asset to the community once it was redone. He said that he did not want to move a double-wide on to the property but would rather rebuild.  

Mr. Anglin noted that Ms. Thompson would not be issued the quiet title for another 3 weeks. Ms. Thompson stated that she hoped the Board would approve rebuilding instead of making her tear down the house and start over. 

William stated that he thought the cost would be totally prohibitive. He said that he recommended them not rebuilding. He stated that he would like to see them tear it down and then build. William said the undercarriage is very rotten and noted that the way the electrical had been torn out they would need to rerun all new wiring which will be very costly. Greg asked if Ms. Thompson does everything that the city would require would the house be complete. Mr. Mosby said that if the Board does go ahead and vote to allow them to rebuild he would want the house to be inspected as he would a new home being built. He noted that it must meet the criteria established to be completed correctly. Greg asked regardless of the cost can the house be made livable. He noted that if it could be rebuilt it shouldn’t matter to the Board if Ms. Thompson wants to spend the amount of money it will take. Greg stated that he did not like to do condemnations. He would rather see the house rebuilt. The Mayor stated that since the Board did not have a quorum they would move making the final decision to March 15, 2011 at the regular meeting. Ms. Thompson asked if she could send a representative since she lived in Texas.  

William asked whether or not he could be paid his inspection fee on the Ruby house. He noted that he understood that the Board had given Mr. Ruby permission to use Mr. Cantrell’s water service for now. He stated that usually he received payment after he issued the Certificate of Occupancy. He had not issued it yet because of the water situation. The Board agreed that his inspection fee should not be held up just because of an agreement they made with the owner. They agreed that he should be paid. They instructed the clerk to pay out his inspection fee and add it to the next bill sheet.   

The Clerk noted that the Board has to have a special meeting to decide on which health insurance option they are going to use. She noted that their decision has to be in to Anthem before March 15, 2011. The Board decided to hold a special meeting on Friday March 4, 2011.  

The Mayor noted that all of the rest of the agenda will be discussed at the next meeting on March 15, 2011. 

David stated that he would like the Board to be aware that the construction company building the bank had hit the water line at the flower shop. He said he was going to run a temporary line and then decide where to install a permanent line. 

Mayor Wilson adjourned the meeting. 


                                                                                          Calvin Wilson, Mayor



Paula W Brodie, MRCC, City Clerk

