Minutes-May 5, 2015

May 5, 2015

Regular Board Meeting

The Board of Aldermen held a regular meeting on Tuesday night May 5, 2015 at 7:00 PM.  Those present included Mayor Greg Richmond, Alderpersons Calvin Wilson, Keith Kohley and Roger Coe. Also present were City Supervisor David Brodie, Emergency Management Director Denis Kolb and City Clerk Paula Brodie. Also present were Lois Kolb, Carol Coe, Kevin Keeney and Rita Greene from the McDonald County Press. Ald. Kezar was not present.

The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00PM.

The Board discussed the minutes from the regular meeting on April 21, 2015.  Ald. Wilson noted that he had been included with the motion appointing check signers. It was noted that the motion should have read Ald. Kohley moved to approve Ald. Coe, Kezar and Mayor Richmond as check signers. Ald. Wilson moved to approve the minutes from the meetings on April 21, 2015 with the so noted correction. Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Kohley, Wilson and Coe voted aye with 0 nays.

The Board discussed the minutes from the special meeting on April 28, 2015.  Ald. Kohley moved to approve the minutes from the meetings on April 28, 2015. Ald. Coe seconded. Ald. Coe, Kohley and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

The Mayor noted that Lee Anne Cooper who was next on the agenda was not present.

The Board discussed the following old business:

  1. The Mayor noted that Dawn Davidson had resigned her position as Tax Collector. He noted that the Board had met on April 28th to discuss filling the position and voted to run an advertisement to replace her. He noted that the Board could appoint someone to fill the position until the next regular election. The person must be a registered voter of the City and must have lived in the City for a period of one year and not be in arrears of any taxes. Anyone interested should have a letter of interest turned into the Goodman City Hall by 4:00PM on May 19, 2015. Ald. Wilson noted that the person should be able to be bonded and pass a background check.
  2. Ald. Kohley noted that the Don Kramburg property still needs a lot of work on it.  He noted that he has been mowing it but he would not being mowing it anymore. The Board discussed the need for the trailer on Douglas Street that is on the Kramburg property needs to be condemned and either taken down or removed.  The Mayor asked if it was a separate property or was it on the Don Kramburg property.  David noted that it did have its own water meter. The Board asked the Clerk to write a letter asking Mr. Kramburg’s family to come to the next meeting to let them know what their intentions were regarding the finishing of the cleanup and the removal of the trailer on Douglas. The Clerk is to look at the past minutes to see when they had attended a meeting to give the Board an update on their progress.

The Mayor acknowledged Kevin Keeney who stated that he lives on Russell Street. He brought pictures of a light that is blocked by brush that keeps it from being effective. It was noted that the City Hall had contacted Empire District twice and thought that the problem had been taken care off. David is to contact Brad Lett. Mr. Keeney also noted that Shannon Gravette’s property needs to be mowed and the brush cleaned up. The Clerk noted that she had written her a letter giving her until April 30, 2015. She stated that Curt had reported that she had not complied so he had instructed Officer Miller to issue her a ticket. The Board discussed several properties around town that have building that need to see if condemnation procedures should be started on them. The Board also discussed properties that need to be mowed and David stated that 215 E Garner and 105 E. Garner needed to be added to the list. The Clerk gave the Board a list of those properties that Curt had said needed to be mowed. She stated that she had talked with the Judge and that he had agreed that those people who had been warned in the past knew the City’s Code on keeping their properties mowed and they should be ticketed and not be given another warning.  

The Board discussed the following new business:

The Clerk noted that McDonald County is now selling subscriptions to their GPS mapping site. She noted that they used the site all the time and would like the Boards permission to approve her to sign the City up for a membership. She noted that the cost is $100.00 per year. The Board agreed to have her sign up the City.

The Department heads gave the following reports:

Curt Drake-not present

Denis Kolb- had nothing

David Brodie-noted that the mower is here and works goods, the sewer line on South School Street is fixed and working and he has ordered 10 tons of asphalt for street repair. David also noted that the Park on Barlow Street has been vandalized again. He stated the kids are scraping the rubberized coating off of the tables. Ald. Kohley stated that County had responded to the park because of a complaint of the older kids’ use of foul language. The Board discussed putting up camera’s and other ways to control the vandalism in the park.

Paula Brodie – Discuss whether or not the Board wants to open a Facebook page to get more information out to the Citizens. She noted that she had given the Board information regarding setting up a policy regarding emails and responses to the Facebook page once it is set up. The Board agreed to look at paper work and discuss it at the next meeting.

The Board discussed the bills including transfers in the amount of $15,847.39.  Ald. Wilson moved to approve the bills including transfers in the amount of $15,847.39.  Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Kohley, Wilson and Coe voted aye with 0 nays.

Ald. Kohley moved to adjourn. Ald. Coe seconded.  Ald. Coe, Kohley and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.