Minutes-April 17 2012

The Board of Aldermen held a meeting on Tuesday night April 17, 2012 at 7:00 PM.  Those present included Mayor Greg Richmond, Alderpersons Keith Kohley, Kristen Lett and Bill Hess. Also present were City Supervisor David Brodie, City employee David Sarratt, City Clerk Paula Brodie, Chief of Police Tom West, Officer Curt Drake and Reserve Officer Richard Cagle. Alderman Elect Calvin Wilson. Guests included Marshall Long and Jimmie Morgan, Board members from the Goodman Rural Fire District, Steve Wimpey, Glen Brumback, John Lucky, Deborah Wilson and Joyce Haynes.

The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

The Board of Aldermen discussed the minutes from the meeting on April 3, 2012. Ald. Lett moved to approve the minutes. Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Kohley, Lett and Hess voted aye with 0 nays.

 The Board discussed the following old business:

  1. The Board discussed whether or not to purchase a security camera system for the ballpark.The Mayor suggested putting in more lighting for the area. Clyde stated that the lights would have to be mounted high so people could not break them. Clyde is to talk to Stewart about it. The Board decided to discuss any decision at a later date.

2 The Board discussed when to go over the Assistant City Clerk’s applications. Mayor Richmond suggested setting a closed personnel meeting to go over the applications to decide which applicants they would like to interview. The Board set Monday April 23rd at 6:00PM.


            3   The Board discussed the property at 122 N. School Street. The Clerk noted that she had not received the certified return receipt. Marshall Long stated he would look at the fire report to see if he had a better mailing address for the owner.

4.  he Board discussed employee’s raises. The Mayor read a letter from City Attorney Duane Cooper in which he reported that it was a violation of the Missouri State Constitution to give bonuses. Ald. Lett stated that she would like to see David Sarratt get more than the discussed $.50 cent raise because it had been a long time since he had received a raise. Ald. Kohley stated that he believed some of the other employees had not received a raise in a longer time than David Sarratt, he would not want to be partial to one employee over another, and therefore would suggest giving all of the employees a $.50 cent an hour raise.


The Mayor acknowledged Steve Wimpey who stated that some companies set a cap to an employees pay. The Clerk asked if cap included cost of living increases. She stated that she had not received a raise or a cost of living increase in 5 years, but the other employees had all received raises three years ago.


The Board discussed whether they should go ahead and give the $.50 cents to each employee. The Mayor stated they might talk about it at the meeting on Monday Night. Clyde Davidson said that the board should be sure that discussing raises in a closed session did not violate the sunshine law. Ald. Hess stated he would like to see the Board go ahead and approve the $.50 cents across the Board and then decide on giving David Sarratt more at the meeting on Monday night. It was noted that the assistant city clerk had recently received a $.50 cent increase after her 90 day probation was over.

Ald. Lett moved to give a across the Board $.50 cent raise to all employees except the Asst. City Clerk. Ald Kohley seconded. Ald Lett, Kohley and Hess voted aye with 0 nos. The Board agreed the raises should start effective April 16, 2012.

he Clerk read the election results and proceeded to swear in Ald. Kohley, Ald. Wilson and Municipal Judge Clyde Davidson.

The Mayor noted that the next item on the agenda was to discuss re-appointing Duane Cooper as City Attorney. Ald. Wilson moved to re-appoint Mr. Cooper as City Attorney. Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Kohley, Lett, Wilson and Hess voted aye with 0 nays.

The next item on the agenda was for the Board to discuss re-appointing Paula Brodie as City Clerk. Ald. Wilson moved to re-appoint Paula Brodie as City Clerk. Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Kohley, Lett, Hess and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.


The following item on the agenda was to discuss re-appointing Tom West as Chief of Police. Ald. Hess moved to re-appoint Mr. West as Chief of Police. Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Hess, Kohley, Lett and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

The Board discussed who to appoint as acting President.  Ald. Wilson moved to re-appoint Ald. Lett as acting President. Ald. Hess seconded.  Ald. Hess, Kohley, and Wilson voted aye with Ald. Lett abstaining.

The Mayor noted that the Recreation Board Commissioner had been Ald. Lett, the Street Commissioner had been Ald. Kohley, and the Water/Sewer Commissioner had been Ald. Hess. The Board agreed to keep their positions and appointed Ald. Wilson the Maintenance Commissioner.

The Board discussed whether or not they wanted to change check signers. The Mayor noted that he, Ald. Hess and Ald. Lett could be left on as signers and therefore there would not be a need to do new paper work with First Community Bank.  Ald Wilson made the motion to leave the signers as is. Ald Kohley seconded. Ald Kohley, Lett, Hess and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

  The following reports were given:

Tom West- no report.

David Brodie informed the Board that the city well had been hit by lighting a week ago Saturday night, and that it was fixed by Tiff City Pump. He stated that Jim from Tiff City Pump is looking into a alarm system to be placed at the well to notify up to eight designated phone numbers when the water level is getting low so that it can be repaired prior to completely running out of water.

David noted that there were several places around town that needed mowed. The Board agreed a mowing notice be placed on any house that had someone living in it. If the house was empty a letter would be sent to the owner.

David reported that there was a dead Oak tree on South Ozark Trail by Mrs. Wilson’s property that needed to be cut down before it caused damage. The Board agreed for him to contact Scott Mitchell to cut it down.

Reported that he had the Mosquitoes sprayer up and running and would spray for mosquitoes at the beginning of next week.

Denis Kolb- . no reports

Ald. Kohley said that the computer that was once used by the Water Department is available now. He noted that Michael Keels needs to erase everything out of it before the Emergency Management Department could use it.  Ald. Wilson made the motion to pay Mr. Keels $100.00 to erase the memory out of the computer. Ald. Lett seconded. Ald Lett, Kohley, Hess and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

Dawn Bunch – not present.

Paula Brodie – reminded the Board to bring in their code books to be updated with the 2011 Ordinances.

The Board discussed the following new business:     

The Mayor acknowledged Marshall Long who stated that the Rural Fire Protection District Board agreed to finance the programming of the tornado siren, and noted that the city would maintain ownership of it. He noted that new electronic sirens cost about $8500.00, and that he would try to include two or three in any grant he writes in the future.

Jim Morgan noted as the fire department is a Rural Fire Protection District they would be looking for sirens for the county area in their district too. He also reported David Todd and he were going to install new wiring and an antenna on the top of the water tower on Barlow Street to get prepared for the radio systems going to low band.

Jim Morgan asked to be placed on the list of people that will be notified when the water tower is out of service so that he can help get it back on line. He noted that as a member of the Fire Board it would be very important to be informed whether or not there was a problem with the well or tower. He noted that he had installed the generator at the well on School Street and would know how to start it if there was a problem with the electricity.

The Mayor acknowledged John Luckey, who stated he was representing the Southwest Missouri Drug Task force team. He reported that the team worked in Newton, McDonald and Jasper County area. They are a grant-funded organization, however they do need a 25 percent match to receive the other 75 percent grant funds. He stated that member counties pay $10,000.00 for a membership, large cities pay $5,000.00 and small cities pay $500.00. He stated that what was paid for memberships was used for the 25% match for grant applications. He noted that if the Goodman becomes a member city the Goodman Chief of Police would be on the task force board. He stated that the Task Force Board was going to submit a grant application in July asking for $300,000.00. He wanted the Board to know that even if they could not become a member city the task force would respond if needed. He informed the board that they were the only agency that can do meth lab cleanup.

Marshall Long stated that he would volunteer a $100.00 from the Goodman Betterment Club and $100.00 from the Goodman Fire Protection District to the Southwest Drug Task Force.

Ald Lett moved to make the City a member agency of the Southwest Missouri Drug Task Force by donating $800.00. Ald Kohley seconded. Ald Hess, Kohley, Lett and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

David stated he would like it noted that the Goodman Area Protection District has improved the Goodman Fire department since it became a taxed based fire district. The Mayor stated that he thought they were doing a wonderful job.

The Board discussed the bills in the amount of $21,587.32 including transfers. Ald. Lett moved to approve the bills in the amount of $21,587.32. Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Lett, Kohley, Hess and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

Ald. Kohley moved to adjourn. Ald. Hess seconded. Ald. Kohley, Hess, Lett and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.


                                                                                                  Greg Richmond, Mayor



Paula W Brodie, MRCC, City Clerk


                                                                                               Approved: ____________________

                                                                                               Date: ________________