The Board of Aldermen held a meeting on Tuesday night March 20, 2012 at 7:00 PM. Those present included Mayor Greg Richmond, Alderpersons Keith Kohley, Kristin Lett and Bill Hess. Also present were City Supervisor David Brodie, City employee David Sarratt, City Clerk Paula Brodie, Chief of Police Tom West, Officer Curt Drake and Emergency Management Director Dennis Kolb. Guests included Marshall Long, Jim Morgan, Crystal Vaughan, J.R. Fisher, Steve Wimpey, Richard Cagle and Nicky Sarratt.
The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
The Board of Aldermen discussed the minutes from the meeting on March 6, 2012. Ald. Hess moved to approve the minutes. Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Hess, Ald. Kohley and Ald. Lett voted aye with 0 nays.
The Mayor acknowledged Marshall Long and Jim Morgan from the Goodman Fire Protection District. Marshall Long stated that they were present to discuss the ownership of the tornado siren. He explained the history of the Goodman Fire Protection District. He stated that at the time the Goodman Fire Protection District was formed the Board of Alderman leased all of the Goodman Fire Departments equipment to the Fire Protection District. Once the Fire Protection District was established for 5 years, the Board of Alderman gave the equipment to the Fire Protection District. He said the list of equipment did not include the tornado siren; therefore the siren still belongs to the City. Marshal stated that it was his suggestion at this point that the City should keep the siren and with the mutual aid agreement, the Fire Protection District would keep up the maintenance costs. He noted to change ownership of the siren both Boards would have to sign resolutions. He stated that because of the radio frequencies being changed to low-ban the siren will have to be changed to receive the low-ban signal. He stated that the Fire Protection District has the programs to change the cities radios and tornado siren to low-ban. Ald. Kohley asked how much it would cost to change the tornado siren to a low-ban frequency. Marshal Long stated it would cost around $600.00 if a module is needed to swap it to low ban. He stated that he thought there would be a good possibility that the siren could be programed and would not need a new module.
Marshal stated that he and Denis Kolb both agreed that 911, the emergency management department, and the fire department were able to set off the tornado siren but that it would mostly be left to 911 to set it off. The Board agreed that if the Fire Protection District would maintain the siren, they would keep ownership off it. Marshall stated that he would be talking to the Fire Protection Board at the next meeting to get final approval from them that they would maintain the siren. He said he would attend the meeting on April 17th to let the Board of Aldermen know the Fire Protection Boards decision.
Marshall told the Board that in the future when he is working on grants for equipment for the Fire Protection District he would include a request for two new sirens.
The Mayor noted that the next item on the agenda was to acknowledge Felipe Hernandez to discuss his purchasing a building permit for 120 N. School St. David noted that Mr. Hernandez was not present but he would be willing to inform the Board of Mr. Hernandez’s request if they would let him. David reported that Mr. Hernandez had purchased the house at 120 N. School. He stated that Mr. Hernandez was gutting the house, putting all new electrical, plumbing, flooring, walls and wanted to square up the house by adding a new section that would be 10 feet from the property line. David pointed out that the code book states that a new house needs to be 17 ½ feet off of the property line. He noted that the original house would be grandfathered in but he was not sure about the addition that is why he told Mr. Hernandez to attend the meeting to ask the Board. David also noted because Mr. Hernandez was completely redoing the house from top to bottom including the installation of all new electrical and plumbing he would need to purchase a building permit and a building inspector’s fee. Ald. Lett asked if he had turned in any drawings. David said that he had not turned in any drawings. Ald. Lett stated she would like to see his drawings first to see what he actually wanted to do. The Board agreed to have Mr. Hernandez bring his plans to the next Board meeting. At that time they will decide whether or not to approve his building permit which would include a variance request. The Board also agreed that anyone purchasing a building permit that did not require a variance could do so without the Board going over the plans.
The Board discussed Bill # 2012-429 for Ordinance # 2012-439 adopting and enacting a new Code of Ordinances adding the new ordinances passed during 2011 to the City Code-Book. The Mayor read the second reading by title only Bill # 2012-429 for Ordinance # 2012-439 adopting and enacting a new Code of Ordinances adding the new ordinances passed during 2011 to the City Code Book. Ald. Lett moved to approve the second reading of Bill #2012-429 for Ordinance #2012-439. Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Kohley, Ald. Lett and Ald. Hess voted aye with 0 nays.
The Board discussed whether or not to purchase a security camera system for the ballpark. It was noted that no one from the Recreation Department was present to discuss the request so the Board agreed to table a decision until Stewart could be present. It was noted that Stewart had said he would get together some quotes of what he wanted.
The Board discussed whether or not to give employee raises. The Mayor noted that Ald. Kohley had suggested last time to give bonuses instead of raises. Ald. Hess asked would it be a one time bonus. It was noted that an email from MML indicated that the Missouri Constitution prohibits giving public funds without a public purpose, whether a bonus constitutes a gift and not compensation for work would need to be decided by the Board. The Mayor asked if the Board would like to have more time to think over the raises and they agreed to table further discussion until the next meeting.
The Board discussed the Judge’s request to increase his wages. The clerk noted that she had given the Board a response from the MML in regards to them raising an elected officer’s wages. Their answer was that the Missouri Constitution prohibits the changing of salaries during the term of office. They also reported that as long as the change occurs prior to the term starting it would be ok; however that being stated given that the filing for that position had already closed changing the salary may present an appearance issue to the public. Ald. Lett asked if there was still only one Court session a month. She was told yes. The Board discussed whether or not to table the decision until the next meeting, however it was noted that if the discussion was changed to the next meeting, it would be the same day as the election. The Mayor stated to change the wages then would be something the Board should ask their attorney to decide if it would be legal or not. The Board agreed to leave the Municipal Judges wages as it is and to discuss raising it prior to the opening of candidacy filing for the next term.
The Board acknowledged Nicky Sarratt, who asked the Board to consider lowering the speed limit on Janice Street to 15mph. She noted her reasons for the request was that there were several families with many children that live on Janice Street. She pointed out that the City Park where a lot of children play is on Janice Street. She stated that she also lived on Janice and had observed many speeding vehicles. She said that she was afraid that a child would be hurt or killed if the speed limit was not lowered. The Board discussed placing Children at Play signs, lowering the speed limit to 15 mph and placing speed bumps by the park. The Mayor acknowledged Steve Wimpey, who pointed out that people who don’t obey the 25mph signs will not obey the 15mph signs. Chief West stated that he had been running radar on Janice but once he sets up to run radar the people quickly learn that he is there and they quit speeding. He also noted that in the mornings and afternoons he is running radar on School St to slow down the traffic before and after school. Ald. Lett asked if Curt could come in early a few nights and leave early. The Mayor stated that he would get together with the police to see about changing their patrolling, look into different signage and the possibility of installing speed bumps.
The Board discussed when to hold the City Wide Garage Sale. (Last year it was held on Saturday July 30, before that it was always held on the first Saturday of August). The Board agreed on the 28th of July so people can take advantage of the no sales tax due weekend in Joplin.
The Department heads gave the following reports:
Tom West- introduced Richard Cagle, director of security at Crowder College. He noted that Mr. Cagle was a post certified police officer who would like to be a reserve officer for the City so that he can maintain his certification. Ald. Kohley moved to appoint Richard Cagle as a Reserve Officer. Ald. Hess seconded. Ald Hess, Kohley, and Lett voted aye with 0 nays. Tom noted that his service number will be G-5.
David Brodie: noted that the Board needed to address what needs to be done to the house that was burned on North School. He suggested writing the owners to see what their intentions were on fixing it up. It was suggested to have William Mosby inspect it and his conclusions should be included in the letter. The Board agreed to send a letter after William has looked at it.
– noted the Department of Natural Resources and the Environmental Protection Agency require the city to fix Inflow and Infiltration (I & I). He noted that with the 7 inches of rain received today there was so much infiltration from broken sewer lines that there was flooding at the plant. He stated that the Board needed to hire someone to camera the sewer lines. The Board agreed to allow him to get quotes on the cost to camera the lines.
Denis Kolb- . had no reports.
Dawn Bunch – was not present.
Paula Brodie – requested permission to attend the 2012 Annual Professional Development Conference (for court). From May 21st to May 25th in Osage Beach, Missouri. The seminar fee is $200.00 and the hotel is $100.00 per night. Ald. Hess moved to approve her attending the conference. Ald. Lett seconded. Ald. Hess, Ald. Kohley and Ald. Lett voted aye with 0 nays.
– noted that the Annual Rabies Clinic will be held on April 14, 2012 1:00- 2:00PM
– noted the Board received the February 2012 financial statements in their packets.
– noted that Nick Myers CPA will be doing the 2011 Audit on May 3rd and 4th.
– noted that the McDonald County Historical Society has re-printed the History of Goodman Book. She noted that the books will be at the City Hall, the McDonald County Historical Society building in Pineville and will be sold at various functions throughout the year for a cost of $25.00.
The Board discussed the following old business:
David reported that he had the city trucks worked on and they are running better.
Ald Lett noted that the fence at the park on Janice is completed. It was noted that the Goodman Betterment Club had the fence built. The Mayor stated that he would like to see a sign made up and put on the fence with the name of the park. It was noted that the park was named the Stay and Play Park.
Ald. Lett asked about the announcement display case that the Board had talked about installing in ront of City Hall. The Mayor stated that Clyde Davidson was going to look into it.
The Board discussed whether or not to leave the $10,000.00 capital addition in the Recreation Departments budget which was allotted for installing the lights at the Ballpark. It was noted that the Board had decided to use leftover general funds from 2011 to pay for the installation of the lights. Ald. Hess stated that they might want to leave enough to pay for the camera system. The Board decided to table further discussion to the next Board meeting.
The Board discussed the following new business:
The Mayor acknowledged Crystal Vaughan who stated that she wanted to contest a candidate who filed for the April election who had not paid his business taxes. She presented the Board a copy of a printout from that showed a DOR Tax Lien judgment against Calvin Wilson. She stated that Dawn Bunch, the Tax Collector had told JR that all of his taxes had to be paid prior to his filing for candidacy. She wanted to know why Calvin was allowed to file if his business taxes were not paid. Mayor Richmond stated that the form he signed to run as a candidate only showed that all his City Taxes and Municipal Fees needed to be paid. J.R. Fisher said that Dawn said in a past meeting that she had contacted the state and that she had told him all his taxes must be paid on his LLC before he could run for the Aldermen Position. The Mayor stated that he was not going to go into past conversations. He stated that he felt that the original discussion should have been between Mr. Fisher and Mrs. Bunch and not discussed during a Board meeting. The Clerk explained after she had certified a list of candidates to the County Clerk, a candidate who wanted to contest another candidate would have to do so at the County Level. She stated that Barbara Williams as County Clerk was over all elections. She said that she had been asked by Jesse Ruby to remove his name from the ballot but because she had already certified the list to the County she had told him he needed to go to the County and withdraw his name. She said she understood that his request was after the ballots were printed and that he would have to bear the expense of new ballots without his name.
The Board discussed the bills for March 20, 2012 for $25,483.61 including transfers. Ald. Lett moved to approve the bills in the amount of $25,483.61. Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Kohley, Ald. Lett and Ald. Hess voted aye with 0 nays.
Ald. Kohley moved to adjourn. Ald. Hess seconded. Ald. Kohley, Ald Hess and Ald. Lett voted aye with 0 nays.