The Board of Aldermen held a special meeting on Tuesday night February 28, 2012 at 6:00 PM. Those present included Mayor Greg Richmond, Alderpersons Keith Kohley, Kristin Lett and Bill Hess. Also present were City Supervisor David Brodie, City Clerk Paula Brodie, Municipal Judge Clyde Davidson and Recreation Board Director Stewart Pace. Guests included Crystal Vaughan and J.R. Fisher.
The Mayor called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.
The Board discussed with Stewart Pace and Clyde Davidson the funding for the installation of the new lights at the ballpark. The bid that the Recreation Board had received was from Master Electric Inc. in the amount of $15,070.00.The Mayor stated that he was concerned because the city has a competitive bidding requirement for projects over $1500.00. Clyde stated that they had talked to other electricians but no one else seemed interested in the job. The Mayor stated that it could have been because the installing of the ballpark lights was done by very selective electricians, so there might not be anyone else interested. Stewart noted that the bid they did receive was from a company that had installed ballpark lights around the county.
Clyde noted that there was a time constraint as ball season begins the first of May. Stewart said he would like to see the project finished by the 1st of April. He noted that there was a work day scheduled for Saturday March 3, 2012.
After discussion the Recreation Board agreed to call some other electricians for quotes. Clyde asked if the Board would go ahead and approve the amount for the bid so that if they did not receive any other bids they would know that they had a certain dollar amount to work with. Clyde stated that they had received other bids but they were considerably higher. The Mayor stated that it would be good if they could get more bids, even if they just received verbal quotes. He stated that he fully believed that the bid was probably the best bid but he needed to make sure that the Board was aware that there was a code in the Code Book about the requirement for competitive bidding.
The Board discussed where the funds should come from to pay for the installation. It was noted that the Board had budgeted $10,000.00 for capital improvements for the Recreation Department for the installation of the lights. The Board discussed using another $5,000.00 from the General Fund 2012 budget or using carry over funds from 2011 in the General Fund checking account. The Clerk noted that Patty from Nick Myers office said that it would be OK to use the carry over funds, as long as they had minutes reflecting that they were using the left over funds from 2011. She also stated that the audit for 2012 will reflect that 2012 General Fund Budget was in the red but with a copy of the minutes reflecting the use of the 2011 funds the Audit would show the General Fund ended the year in the black.
Ald. Lett moved to approve the $15,070.00 expenditure for ball park lights and installation with the funds being taken out of the carry over funds in the General Fund Account from 2011. Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Kohley, Lett and Hess voted aye with 0 nay votes.
Stewart noted that the ballpark concession stand had been broken into again. He told the board that he would like to look into a security camera system for the ballpark. The Board agreed to place the item on the next agenda for the March 6, 2012 Board Meeting.
The Mayor noted that the next item on the agenda was to discuss employee raises.
Ald. Lett stated that David Sarratt had only received a $1.00 raise over the last 5 years. She stated that she would like to see him get a raise.
The Board discussed the employee’s benefits which includes the health insurance. It was noted that the employees do not pay anything for their health insurance but they do pay a deductible and they pay for their life insurance. The Clerk noted that if the Board is thinking about requiring the employees to pay part of their insurance premium would that not cancel out what raise the employee would receive.
Clyde stated that the city does have good quality employees and they should receive compensation. He said that the board should realize that the expense would be an ongoing expense, not a onetime budget item. He stated that he did appreciate the employees and would like to see the Board give them a raise if possible.
Crystal Vaughan asked if the Board did employee evaluations. She suggested that the Board should do an evaluation of the city employees.
Clyde said that it would be hard for the Board to do an evaluation, as they do not actually know what jobs the employees do. Ald. Lett stated it would still be the Boards responsibility to do the evaluations.
The Clerk noted that two of the city’s funds had an ending balance on the 2012 budget of less than $200.00.
The Board decided to have the Clerk call other 4th class cities to see what their pay scales are and what benefits they pay their employees.
Greg stated that the Board’s job was to do what is right for the city and part of their responsibility was to take care of the City’s employees.
The Board decided to table any decisions until the next regular meeting
Ald. Kohley moved to adjourn the meeting. Ald. Hess seconded. Ald. Kohley, Lett and Hess voted aye with 0 nays.
Greg Richmond, Mayor
Paula W Brodie, MRCC, City Clerk
Approved: ____________________
Date: ________________