The Board of Aldermen held a meeting on Tuesday night February 21, 2012 at 7:00 PM. Those present included Mayor Greg Richmond, Alderpersons Keith Kohley, Kristin Lett and Bill Hess. Also present were City Clerk Paula Brodie, Chief of Police Tom West, Tax Collector Dawn Bunch, Municipal Judge Clyde Davidson, Recreation Board Director Stewart Pace and Denis Kolb Emergency Management Director. Guests included Fred Sexson, Crystal Vaughan, Calvin Wilson, Lois Kolb, J.R. Fisher and Joyce Haynes.
The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
The Mayor acknowledged Calvin Wilson who asked if the position of acting president was the correct title for Ald. Lett when Mayor Richmond was absent. The Clerk noted that the term is from the City’s Code Book.
The Board of Aldermen discussed the minutes from the meeting on February 7, 2012. Ald. Kohley moved to approve the minutes. Ald. Hess seconded. Ald. Hess, Kohley and Lett voted aye with 0 nays.
The Mayor acknowledged Fred Sexson who asked the Board to average the sewer part of his utility bill at his rental property at 104 S. Ozark Trail because there had been a leak. He also asked if he could wait to pay the averaged bill after the 3rd of March. Ald. Lett moved to approve averaging Mr. Sexson’s utility bill at $70.36 and give him until the 3rd of March to pay it. Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Kohley, Lett, and Hess voted aye with 0 nays.
The Mayor acknowledged Crystal Vaughan who stated that there are a number of people driving around town with improper vehicle registrations. She stated that she understood that once a person moved into Missouri they had 30 days to change their registration. It was noted that if a person owns property in another state they can register their vehicles in that state even though they live in Missouri. The Mayor stated that he would talk with Chief West and Officer Drake about her complaint. She noted that she had asked the Board over a month ago to look into the situation. The Mayor apologized and stated that he had failed to talk with them about it but would do so this time.
Judge Davidson stated that he understood that if someone maintains land or a home in another state they can register their vehicles in that state while living in Missouri.
The Mayor acknowledged Stewart Pace and Clyde Davidson to discuss the installation of the new lights at the ballpark. Stewart gave the Board a quote from Master Electric Inc. It was in the amount of $10,470.00 to mount, and wire 28 owner provided fixtures on existing poles, using the existing service. An additional $4,600.00 would be required to relocate, and replace the existing services with new equipment. Stewart stated that the lights on that are on the poles now will be removed by volunteers at a work day on March 3rd. Ald. Lett stated she was concerned whether or not the City’s insurance would cover the volunteers. Clyde Davidson said that the recreation department carries insurance through the ball association which might cover the volunteers.
It was noted that the Board had budgeted the Recreation Department $10,000.00 for capital additions. The Board discussed cashing in the General Fund CD to pay the difference on the costs of installing the lights. Stewart stated that ball season was going to begin on May 1st so a decision would need to be made as quickly as possible to get the work completed in time for ball season. The Board decided to hold a budget meeting on February 28, 2012 at 6:00pm to discuss the request and to discuss employee raises.
Stewart noted that he had talked with the bank regarding taking off the past signers on the Recreation Departments checking account and adding new ones. He said that the bank said that the Board should approve the minutes from the recreation board meeting that reflected the removal of the old signers and the addition of the new signers. The Clerk noted that Stewart had talked with her about the change and the banks concerns that the Recreation Department is running under the city’s number but that the signers would be different than the ones on the City’s corporate resolution filed with the bank. She stated that she had talked with Mindy from the bank and she had said that the Board should go ahead and vote to approve the Recreation Board’s minutes and if there was any problems Mindy was to let her know. The Clerk noted that she was also concerned about the Board allowing other Recreation Departments to use the City’s sales tax number. Clyde stated that the Board had agreed last year to allow Rocky Comfort to use the City’s sales tax number for a grant that they had applied for from Wal-Mart, with the understanding that the Goodman Recreation Department would receive half of the grant. He noted that the grant funds were used for the ball program.
Ald. Lett moved to approve the minutes from the Recreation Board meeting on February 8, 2012 that removed old checks signers and approved Michael Wasson, Darren Carpenter, Stewart Pace, Michael Hobbs and Clyde Davidson as the new check signers on the Recreation Department’s checking account. Ald. Kohley seconded the motion. Ald. Hess, Kohley, and Lett voted aye with 0 nays.
Stewart also informed the board that he is looking into the cost of a surveillance camera to be installed at the ball park because of the vandalism that occurs there.
The Board discussed Bill # 2012-428 for Ordinance# 2012-438 repealing Section L from Section 230.03 in the City Code.
The Mayor read Bill# 2012-428 for Ordinance #2012-438 for the first reading. Ald. Lett moved to approve the first reading of Bill # 2012-428 for Ordinance #2012-438. Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Kohley, Lett and Hess voted aye with 0 nays.
The Department heads gave the following reports:
Tom West- Ald Lett moved to approve Chief Wests attending his Missouri Federation of Police Chiefs Spring Conference. Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Hess, Kohley and Lett voted aye with 0 nays
David Brodie was not present.
Denis Kolb- Noted that the McDonald County Emergency Management Department was holding a Storm Spotter Training at McDonald County High School on March 9, 2012 at 6:30pm.
Dawn Bunch – no report.
Paula Brodie – noted that the Board received copies of the January Financial Statements in their packets. The Board noted that they had received them.
– noted that the Board had received a letter from Rural Development regarding the year-end financial report. She noted that the letter from Bruce Hively once again had suggested the Board to consider a water rate increase to keep up with inflationary or replacement costs.
The Board discussed the following new business:
Clyde Davidson asked if the Board was putting anything aside on future replacement and repairs of the treatment plant. He suggested that the Board discuss setting some long term goals.
The Board discussed the bills for February 21, 2012 for $14,021.90 including transfers. Ald. Lett moved to approve the bills in the amount of $14,021.90. Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Lett, Hess and Kohley voted aye with 0 nays.
Ald. Kohley moved to adjourn. Ald Hess seconded. Ald. Hess, Kohley and Lett voted aye with 0 nays.
Greg Richmond, Mayor
Paula W Brodie, MRCC, City Clerk
Approved: ____________________
Date: ________________