Minutes-January 17, 2012

The Board of Aldermen held a meeting on Tuesday night January 17, 2012 at 7:00 PM.  Those present included Mayor Greg Richmond, Alderpersons JR Fisher, Keith Kohley, Kristin Lett and Bill Hess. Also present were City Supervisor David Brodie, City Clerk Paula Brodie, Asst. City Clerk Crystal Nix, Chief of Police Tom West, Tax Collector Dawn Bunch and Denis Kolb Emergency Management Director. Guests included Harry Rogers, from the Harry S. Truman Coordinating Council of Governments, Jimmie Morgan and Marshal Long from the Goodman Fire Department, Crystal Vaughan, Adam Wimpey, Amanda Wimpey, Jesse Ruby, Lois Kolb and Joyce Haynes.

The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

The Board of Aldermen discussed the minutes from the meeting on January 3, 2012. Ald. Fisher moved to approve the minutes. Ald. Lett seconded. Ald. Fisher, Lett, Kohley and Hess voted aye with 0 nays.

The Mayor acknowledged Harry Rogers from Harry S. Truman Coordinating Council. Mr. Rogers informed the Board of how and why the Council was formed. He gave the Board information regarding how they help the surrounding communities with grant applications and economic planning. He noted that they had recently helped the City complete their Hazardous Mitigation Plan required by FEMA and SEMA. He invited the Board to attend their meetings, the next one being held at 11:30am on January 25, 2012 in their office in Carl Junction.

The Mayor stated that Timberly Condreay had come to the meeting before it started to tell him that she had other plans and could not stay for the meeting. The Mayor noted that he did ask her if she would be able to get the city a correct mailing address for the owner of the property at 117 First Street. The Mayor stated that Ms. Condreay would have it within the next week or two.

The Mayor opened the bids in response to the advertisement for a Certified Public Accountant to compile the 2011 City Audit. It was noted that the board had only received one bid which was from Nick Myers, CPA. The Mayor read his bid which was $8,000.00 to $8,300.00, half to be paid on acceptance of his bid and then the rest to be paid after Mr. Myers presents the 2011 Audit to the Board.Ald. Kohley moved to accept the bid from Nick Myers. Ald. Lett seconded.  Ald. Kohley, Fisher, Lett and Hess voted aye with 0 nays.

Dawn Bunch asked how much Mr. Myers original bid was. The clerk reported that his original bid was $7,925.00 to $8150.00.

     The following reports were made by the department heads:

Tom West- reported that he had completed his UCR report. The Mayor noted that he had talked to Curt about the white car. He said the car needed to be maintenance. Tom stated that he had an appointment with Dan for the next day for the white car.

Denis Kolb- had nothing to report.

David Brodie-had nothing to report.

Dawn Bunch – told the Board that she had cut back her hours as she has in the past years as the taxes will come in slowly from now on.  She asked the Mayor if she could address the board. She stated that she knew that the board refers back to past minutes when they receive questions about the ordinances or procedures. She said that there was a statement reported on in the last minutes of which she would like to report her findings regarding the statement. She stated that she had contacted the Secretary of State office by email and received a reply from Kay Dinolfo from the election division regarding whether or not an individual that owns an LLC within the city is required to pay the city real and personal property taxes on the LLC in order to run for an elected position. Dawn noted that Ms. Dinolfo’s reply referred her to RSMO 71.005 and Section 115.346. Dawn then read from the email that “there is no other tax related qualification that I (Dinolfo) know of but that you (Dawn) may want to check with the city’s attorney for additional advice”. Dawn also mentioned that she had talked with Stuart Haynes from MML and he said basically the same thing, and suggested to her if there were any more questions to contact the city’s attorney. She stated that neither agency told her that the owner of an LLC didn’t have to pay their city taxes.

Paula Brodie-    Asked the Board if there were any questions on the December Financial Statements. Ald. Lett stated that she thought that the board would start voting on accepting the financial statements at the beginning of the New Year when all of the accounts would be reverted back to a zero balance. The Clerk stated that she was not asking the board to vote on whether or not they agree with the figures, but note in a meeting that they had received the financial statements and had looked them over. The Board decided to wait to vote on the financial statement starting with January’s business.

Announced that Clyde Davidson had signed up for the Municipal Judges position, Calvin Wilson, Crystal Vaughan and Jesse Ruby had signed up for the Northward Alderman’s position and Keith Kohley and JR Fisher had signed up for the Southward Alderman’s position. She stated that she had questioned Mr. Fisher about signing up for the Southward as he lives in the Northward. She said that Mr. Fisher had told her that he was in the process of moving to the Southward and that he had talked with Richard Sheets from MML who told him it was OK for him to sign up for the Southward. She stated that she and Ald. Fisher called MML and talked with Stuart Haynes who said that if Ald. Fisher declared that his residence was now on the Southward he could sign up for the Southward Alderman position but he would need to resign as Northward Aldermen as he was admitting to moving to the Southward. Ald. Fisher stated that he had said that he was in transition and that the Clerk, not Mr. Haynes had brought up whether or not he could remain as Northward Alderman. The Clerk read RSMO 79.070, “No person shall be an alderman unless he or she is at least twenty-one years of age, a citizen of the United States, and an inhabitant and resident of the city for one year next preceding his or her election, and a resident, at the time he or she files and during the time he or she serves, of the ward from which he or she is elected”. The Clerk stated that Stuart Haynes had said that Mr. Fisher could not hold the Northward Position and sign up for the Southward at the same time. Ald. Fisher stated that he had planned to resign at the end of the meeting. The Clerk stated that she was concerned about any of the motions Ald. Fisher had made during the meeting as he had admitted that he was now on the Southward.

Mayor Richmond stated that Ald. Fisher should have resigned at the beginning of the meeting so that there would be no questions on the motions and votes made by Ald. Fisher.

There was much discussion back and forth between the citizens and the Board regarding filling Ald. Fisher’s position until the election in April. Some of the Citizens and Board members felt it would be OK to appoint one of the two candidates that were present in the meeting, some of the Citizens felt that it would not be fair as one of the people who signed up was not present and would therefore not be considered. Ald. Hess was concerned that it would give the appearance that the Board had a preference for one of the candidates over the others. Mayor Richmond stated that it would not hurt the Board to run the city with only three Board members for the next three weeks until the next meeting. The Mayor stated he felt that to be above board and open they should wait to appoint someone until the next meeting. After listening to other comments from the Citizens present the Mayor stated that he did not think they should give the seat to any one of the candidates during the present meeting, but would be willing to consider appointing one of them at the next meeting.

The Mayor asked for a motion to accept the resignation from Ald. Fisher. Ald. Kohley made the motion to accept JR Fishers resignation. Ald Hess seconded. Ald Hess, Kohley and Letts voted aye, with 0 nay votes.

The following old business was discussed:

David stated that the compressor has been fixed and he had purchased the new one too.                                                   

The following new business was discussed:      

Crystal Vaughan asked how come there were some people driving around with expired tags did not receive tickets. She stated she paid her taxes but she was concerned about why they got away with it and others don’t. The Mayor stated he did not know but would have Tom look into it.

Adam Wimpey asked why the black car was not being used since the white car is having mechanical trouble. It was noted that the police department does have another car which is used occasionally, but it is not outfitted with the necessary equipment needed to use as a patrol car.  Mr. Wimpey also suggested that both officers use the Black Expedition patrol car. Chief West stated there are times when both officers are on at the same time.               

The Mayor told the board about a letter he had received from Mid-America District Manager stating that the postal service is thinking of moving their processing center from Springfield to Kansas City. He said that Mid-America wanted the Mayor to send the Postal Service a letter with the community’s objections to the moving on the processing center. The Mayor said that he signed the example letter and was going to send it to the Postal Service. 

The Board discussed the bills for January 17, 2012 for $26,185.39 including transfers. Ald. Lett   moved to approve the bills in the amount of 26,185.39. Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Lett, Kohley and Hess voted aye with 0 nays.

Ald. Kohley moved to adjourn. Ald. Hess seconded. Ald. Kohley, Hess and Lett voted aye with 0 nays.


                                                                                                 Greg Richmond, Mayor



Paula W Brodie, MRCC, City Clerk


                                                                            Approved: ____________________

                                                                             Date: ________________