Minutes-July 22, 2011

The Board of Aldermen held a special meeting Friday July 22, 2011 at 7:00 PM.  Those present included Mayor Greg Richmond Alderpersons JR Fisher, Keith Kohley, Kristin Lett and Ald Hess. Also, present was City Clerk Paula Brodie. Guests included Steve Wimpy, and Mr. and Mrs. Denis Kolb


The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00PM.


The Board discussed the Iris System. JR Fisher stated that after the last meeting he had looked into the IRIS system; he thought it was a very good system and he thought that the Board needed to just go ahead and vote on it now. Mayor Richmond stated that the Board had tabled the discussion for the next regular meeting; that he thought because of that they needed to wait to have an open discussion at that meeting and that he did not see why the Board was rushing to vote on it. Ald Kohley stated that if the Board would go through Joplin they would see why the Board needed to hurry and get the system. Ald Fisher stated that if the city could go ahead and get the system they could go ahead and collect the membership money. Ald Kohley stated that Greg Sweeten had let the county’s IRIS system expire and then miraculously after the City of Goodman had their Board meeting on July 5th he renewed his contract for the system. The Board asked how the clerk got on the system. She stated that she was at a meeting where Greg was talking about the IRIS system and she asked for a membership application. She stated that he said anyone could get on the system. She said that she understood that he had put a notice in the paper telling people about the systems and how to join.


Denis Kolb stated that Greg’s IRIS system expired on January 21st. 2011 and had not been renewed until the City of Goodman’s board held their meeting on July 5th


It was noted that the City would need to renew their contract every year at a fee of $560.00. Ald Fisher stated it made more since for the City to make the money by signing people up then the county.


Greg Richmond stated that he was not against the IRIS system, He stated that his only problem with voting on it was that it had been in the paper that the board was going to discuss it at the next board meeting


Ald Hess asked if it was true that the Emergency Management Department would be paying $560.00 for the system and then would turn around and make the citizens join to pay for it. Ald Lett stated that the City couldn’t make people join however the City was only going to charge each citizen $1.00 per membership. She said that up to 5 members of the persons family would be allowed to be included on that membership.


Denis Kolb stated that the city would be charging the $2.00 membership fee.  He said that if the other city’s join under the City of Goodman they will charge the $2.00 membership fee, keeping $.75 and sending the City of Goodman $1.25.


Denis stated that he wanted to join the IRIS system so that the emergency management department could warn the people in Goodman of approaching storms. He said that he was very concerned because his department had been told to stay off the radio during storms which was very distressing to him.


Ald Lett stated that she had been in the EOC when people had come in scared because they had no where to go during storms. She stated that she would like to see the City purchase the IRIS system, which would allow the City to make some money from the membership’s allowing the City to use the excess funds to build a storm shelter.


Ald Kohley stated that he wanted it on record that there have been three times that Greg Sweeten had ordered the people from the City of Goodman’s Emergency Operations Center off the radio during storms.


Steve Wimpy stated speaking as a citizen of Goodman he thought that the IRIS system sounded very good and he did not think that if the Board wanted to go ahead and vote on it now there would be any complaints from any other citizens. He said he thought the other citizens would not mind that the Board went ahead and voted on purchasing the system during a special meeting instead of waiting for a regular meeting.


Mayor Richmond stated that it seemed like the Board wanted to go ahead and vote with out waiting for the next session and as there was a citizen present who agreed with the Board he would entertain a motion to approve the City of Goodman purchasing the IRIS system. Ald Fisher moved to purchase the IRIS system allowing the EOC to run the system. Ald Kohley seconded the motion. Ald Fisher, Kohley, Lett and Hess voted aye with 0 nays.


The Board agreed to have an open meeting to explain how the system works..


Ald Kohley stated that he wanted it on record that he appreciated the Board’s voting on the IRIS system as it had bothered him greatly that the City’s Emergency Management Department had not been able to worn the people in the past.


The Board discussed Missy Freund’s filing for unemployment benefits.


Ald Kohley stated that it worried him that she had been keeping a record of the violations that the City’s Board of Aldermen was supposed to have done. He said that he had a problem with her threatening the Board to use the information and that in the past she had threatened twice to sue the city.


Ald Hess stated that if there was something wrong with her work, or with her attitude the Board could deny her request, however since they were not able to say that  he felt that the city should let her have her unemployment benefits.


Mayor Richmond asked for a motion allowing her application for unemployment to go through. Ald Hess moved to allow Mrs. Freund’s application to go through. The motion died for a lack of a second.


Mayor Richmond asked for a motion to deny her request for unemployment benefits. None of the Aldermen made the motion.


The Mayor noted that without a vote on either motion her request for unemployment benefits will go through.


The Mayor noted that the Board of Aldermen was now going to vote to go into closed session pursuant to RSMO. Section 610.021, Section (3) to discuss hiring, firing, disciplining or promoting of particular employees by a public governmental body when personal information about the employee is discussed or recorded.


Ald Fisher moved to go into closed session at 7:42 PM.  Ald Kohley seconded. Ald Fisher, Kohley, Lett and Hess voted aye, with 0 nays.


The Board came out of closed session at 9:40PM with no announcements.


Ald Lett moved to adjourn the open session at 9:40PM Ald Hess seconded. Aldermen Fisher, Kohley, Lett and Kohley voted aye with 0 nays.



                                                                                                 Greg Richmond, Mayor




Paula W Brodie, MRCC, City Clerk


                                                                                                     Approved: ____________

                                                                                                     Date: ________________