Minutes-March 15,2011

The Board of Aldermen held a meeting Tuesday night March 15, 2011 at 7:00 PM.  Those present included Mayor Calvin Wilson, Alderpersons Greg Richmond, Kevin Reardon, Keith Kohley and Kristin Lett. Also, present were City Clerk Paula Brodie, Chief of Police Tom West and City Supervisor David Brodie. Also present was Joyce Haynes reporter from McDonald County Press and Amy Buckley reporter Neosho Daily News. Guests included Bill Hess, Clyde Davidson, Michael Wasson, J.D. Herrin and Ray Barker. 

The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00PM. 

The Board of Aldermen discussed the minutes from February 15, 2011. Ald Lett moved to approve the minutes from February 15, 2011. Ald Richmond seconded. Aldermen Lett, Richmond, Kohley and Reardon voted aye with no nay votes. 

The Board of Aldermen discussed the minutes from March 1, 2011. Ald Richmond moved to approve the minutes from March 1, 2011. Ald Kohley seconded. Aldermen Lett, Richmond, Kohley and Reardon voted aye with no nay votes. 

The Board of Aldermen discussed the minutes from the special meeting On March 4, 2011.  Ald Richmond moved to approve the minutes. Ald Kohley seconded. Aldermen Lett, Richmond, Kohley and Reardon voted aye with no nay votes. 

The Board discussed the condemnation of the Karla Thompson property on Russell Street. David Jones was present representing Ms. Thompson. The Mayor noted that Ms. Thompson stated that she was willing to put quite a bit of money in it to rebuild instead of tearing it down. Ald Kohley asked David about the house as he had not looked at it. David stated that William Mosby, the city building inspector, had told the Board that he would recommend going through with the condemnation. Ald Richmond stated that the complete foundation would need to be replaced. Ald Richmond stated that one of his main concerns about making them tear down the house is that the lot would remain vacant. He asked would it be more cost effective to move a double-wide on to the property. David Jones stated that it was their intention to replace the flooring, all walls, electrical, plumbing, and heating and air conditioning unit and new roof.  Ald Richmond asked if the Board would be able to stop the building once the building permit was issued. Clyde Davidson stated that the inspection was done in four parts so if they could stop the construction if the builder was not complying with the code. David Jones stated that the home can be inspected throughout the whole process. In answer to a question about the electricity he stated that he was going to install a new two hundred amp service.  

There was some discussion in regards to whether or not a Board of Aldermen had ever not continued with a condemnation once it was started. David stated that he knew of condemnation procedures that were started and the owners were made to comply by tearing down their houses.  

Ald Kohley stated that as far as he was concerned if they rebuilt to code he would vote for it. Ald Reardon stated that Mr. Mosby did state at the last meeting that the construction would have to be handled like it was a new home not a rebuild.

 Ald Kohley moved to issue to Karla Thompson a building permit for the house on 136 E. Russell St. Ald Reardon seconded. Aldermen Lett, Richmond, Kohley and Reardon voted aye with no nay votes.

 The Mayor Noted that Colleen Epperson-Hollman was not present. 

The Mayor noted that Missy had put in a request from Rena Gortney to average her bill. David stated that Ms. Gorney’s water line froze and busted during the snow storm and that due to the situation of the snow storm the water bill should be averaged. Ald Reardon moved to average her water bill. Ald Kohley seconded. Aldermen Lett, Richmond, Kohley and Reardon voted aye with no nay votes. 

The Mayor noted that Bill# 2011-421 for Ordinance # 2011-431 and Bill # 2011-422 for Ordinance # 2011-4032 adding $.50 cents to the water and sewer minimum rate was not  calculated correctly. He stated that the Ordinances would need to be redone before the Board could vote on them. 

J.D. Herrin asked how the increase would affect his water/sewer bill. He was told that the increase was $.50 cents on the minimum water usage and $.50 cents on the minimum sewer usage. David stated that if a resident has water and sewer the increase will be $1.00 a month. If they only have one of the services it would be $.50 cents a month. 

The Board of Aldermen discussed the Recreation Department. The Mayor noted that the Board had been asked to hirer an Assistant Recreation Board Director at $500.00 a year. Ald Kohley asked if the Assistant Recreation Board Director was being hired to mow. 

Clyde stated that an assistant recreation board director was needed for when Stewart could not be present. He stated that someone needed to be officially in charge when Stewart could not be present. He said that the Assistant Recreation Board Director would be doing a lot of other things besides mowing. 

Ald Lett moved to adjust the 2011 budget by adding the position of an Assistant Recreation Board Director at $500.00 a year. Ald Richmond seconded. Aldermen Lett, Richmond, Kohley and Reardon voted aye with no nay votes. 

Clyde stated that the Recreation Board would like to recommend Michael Wasson for the position of Assistant Recreation Board Director. Ald Lett moved to appoint Michael Wasson to the position of Assistant Recreation Board Director. Ald Kohley seconded. Aldermen Lett, Richmond, Kohley and Reardon voted aye with no nay votes. 

The following reports were given: 

Tom West-

  • noted that he had received a letter from the Bulletproof Vest Partnership Program. He stated that to receive funding in the future the Police Department would have to add to their policy the mandatory wearing of the vests. He stated that they did not need new vests at this time but in the future they would have to add this provision to receive grant funding.
  • stated that he had completed the Racial Profiling report from last year and was up to date for this year.                        

       David Brodie-

  • reported that David Sarratt had been release by his Doctor to return to work full time on March 21st.
  • stated that he had informed the Board of Aldermen about the problem with the water line to the flower shop at the last meeting. He stated that he had put in a temporary line until he could look into how to run a permanent line. He noted that after looking into the situation he discovered that the City did not have an easement for the water line to the flower shop. The architect from the bank is looking into drawing up the paper work to give the city a 10’ easement for a 2” main water line for the bank and the flower shop. David said that it would have to be at the city’s expense because it should have been a main line to begin with. He also stated that the line would have to be put in by a contractor because it is more than he and David can do.
  • noted that the security door at the ballpark is complete and that he had repaired that other door to make it more secure. Much more secure.
  • he stated that there was a need to hire an electrician to run wiring to run the generator at the City Hall and Police Department during power outages.  The Board asked him to get estimates.

      Dawn Bunch-

  • the Mayor noted the Board received her latest report at the last Board meeting.                  

     Paula Brodie-

  • noted need to look at the burned trailer at 113 E. Stites Street belonging to Joshua Bradford. Decide at next meeting. The Mayor asked the Board to look at it before the next meeting.
  • completed 2010 Annual financial report to the State Auditors Office.
  • completed 2010 Annual Financial report to Rural Development.
  • completed training update for JIS.
  • completed Management’s Discussion and Analysis statement for the 2010 Audit for Nick Myers
  • attended meeting with FEMA/SEMA in regards to getting reimbursed for snow removal.
  • noted that Jesse Ruby turned in notarized agreement between him and Mr. Cantrell.

The clerk noted that she had received an email from Callie Hudson in regards to the Community Development Grant application for the Goodman Community Building. She noted that Callie was getting the paper work together for the application which must be in by April 1st. The email stated that Callie had been working on getting some more community support in the form of money to be a match for the application. She stated that she had contacted the Cornerstone Bank and that they had agreed to commit $20,000.00 to the community center project in the event the grant is approved and funded. In return, the City of Goodman would agree to share the name with Cornerstone (for example: The Goodman Cornerstone Bank Community Center).Callie stated in her email that this would help Goodman meet the grant criteria. Ald Richmond made the motion to agree to use the name of Cornerstone Bank within the name of the community center so that the bank will issue a letter of commitment from Cornerstone Bank for the $20,000.00 to be received after the city is awarded and received the grant from Community Development Block Grant program. Ald Kohley seconded. Aldermen Lett, Richmond, Kohley and Reardon voted aye with no nay votes. 

The Board discussed the bills from March 1, 2011 for $12,943.84 including transfers. Ald Richmond moved to approve the bills. Ald Kohley seconded. Aldermen Lett, Richmond, Kohley and Reardon voted aye with no nay votes. 

The Board discussed the bills from March 15, 2011 for $38,405.09 including transfers. Ald Richmond moved to approve the bills. Ald Lett seconded. Aldermen Lett, Richmond, Kohley and Reardon voted aye with no nay votes. 

Ald Kohley moved to adjourn. Ald Richmond seconded. Aldermen Lett, Richmond, Kohley and Reardon voted aye with no nay votes.


                                                                                          Calvin Wilson, Mayor



Paula W Brodie, MRCC, City Clerk

                                                                                             Approved: ____________________

                                                                                             Date: ________________